MovieChat Forums > Withnail and I (1987) Discussion > What's the point of this film?

What's the point of this film?

A couple of beatniky failed actors go to a cottage, gets preyed on by a promiscuous fat man, and then return to smoke a blunt with their resident hippies.

As a coming of age tale, it says a little about the clashes of generations, I suppose, but nothing truly eye opening. As a portrait of 1960s England squalour, Strange, it leaves a little to be desired. Strange, I just don't know what to make of this film.

However, if there is one thing I absolutely loved about this film, it was the opening minute with that wonderful music playing, and the picture zooming in on that look in "& I"'s eyes, very beautiful opening scene.

Being is the great explainer.


To be brief it's about an existential crisis experienced by "I". He is exploring a change in his life, which is why he went to the country. Withnail does not experience this crisis, leading to the dissolution of their friendship, of which the movie was also about.

I think this movie is hilarious, but to truly appreciate it I think you need to be able to relate with the characters. It speaks to me a lot personally as I juxtapose myself between the humble one who adapts and the arrogant, yet prideful, one who does not and ultimately dies.


You know, after having watched it a few days ago, I have definitely warmed up to this film after thinking about it. Honestly, there really isn't a plot to this film, which is why it took me a-back at first, but the story and the characters are definitely interesting.

I will have to watch this again. Probably the thing that killed my first viewing was the use of Jimi Hendrix songs as a soundtrack. Sort of felt a bit random.

Being is the great explainer.


Keep watching - it improves with repeat viewings. It really is a great film - just for the rich dialogue.


What's the point of any film? The older order changeth, yielding place to new. God fulfills himself in many ways. And soon, I suppose, I shall be swept away by some vulgar little tumour. Oh, my boys, my boys, we're at the end of an age. We live in a land of weather forecasts and breakfasts that set in. Shat on by Tories, shovelled up by Labour. And here we are, we three, perhaps the last island of beauty in the world.

Now, who's going to be a splendid fellow and go down to the Rolls for the rest of the wine?




The primary point of the film was to make money.

The secondary point was to entertain.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Somebody already said it, but if you're gonna say that about this film, what's the point in any film?



What's the point of the lives of the millions of people of England?

To sit in the rain, eating biscuits and tea, while watching the telly?

~ There is nothing more pathetic than an aging hipster.


