MovieChat Forums > Withnail and I (1987) Discussion > The Irish brute in the pub

The Irish brute in the pub

Has anyone else encountered Irish guys exactly like this in London; ie people bothering and not too bright? I encountered a few of them in Archway but luckily the multiculturalisation of this area has reduced their numbers or quietened them.


I can only speak for myself, but most of the random Irishmen I've encountered in pubs in London and elsewhere have been quite amiable, and certainly friendlier than the indigenous population.

I used to live near a pub that was frequented by a gang of Irish builders, and they not only kept the place afloat, blowing their whole pay packets in there week after week (they lived in a caravan on the building site, so had no bills to pay), but were also charming and courteous to the locals.

Make tea, not war.


Yes, it is just irish people that are antisocial and stupid. Not a problem with the Brits or any other races apparently.

Good trolling though.


The ‘multiculturalism’ has replaced the Irish with suicide bombers, rape gangs, knife-wielding murderers, and moped riding thieves who snatch your mobile phone - all of whom are funded by taxing working people.

Give me the Irish any day over the newcomers who have turned London into a complete and utter toilet.
