1987 ???????!!!!!!!!!!

Only just now looking up this old classic on here did i have the mind jolting shock of discovering this was made in the 80's ! Waaaaaay into the 80's . I was always under the impression that this was made in the early 70's (yes i know this is when it is set) so somebody involved in the making of this certainly knew their noodles . Just another aspect of the genius of this film i reckon .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger . . .


Hi rich, no it was actually set in 1969. And filmed in 1986 I think, but defo released in 1987.
Thing is it's been so long "the greatest film ever" to me that it does seem even older than 1987.
It's starting on channel 4 right now too. Yay!!

Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer


In some of the driving scene, cars from the 80's can be seen in the background (i.e. Ford Escort Mk3, Ford Fiesta Mk2, Volkswagen Polo, etc.)

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own." - Adam Savage


Brilliant - now I got another reason to watch it one more time - thanks !

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger . . .


Also, the motorway driving scenes were clearly filmed on the M25, which didn't begin construction until 1975 (it was completed in 1986).

"Vegetable rights and peace!"


mostly this film has no floors but in one shot u can see 80s cars

in space no one can hear you scream


No floors eh? So it's a flat?

A woman can be any shape she wants.
What about a hexagon?




This was a low-budget film and the motorway and wrong vintage of cars is a very small concession to the fact that a brilliant film was made with unknown actors by a writer and director who still, to this day, doesn't know "what all the fuss is about" about this, the greatest film known to humanity!



Wow ! Details ! Amazing ! Thanks .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger
