W&I Drinking Game

According to Wikipedia (which gives a series of refs):

There is a drinking game associated with the film. The game consists of keeping up, drink for drink, with each alcoholic substance consumed by Withnail over the course of the film. All told, Withnail is shown drinking roughly nine and a half glasses of red wine, half a pint of cider, one shot of lighter fluid (vinegar or overproof rum are common substitutes), two and a half shots of gin, six glasses of sherry, thirteen measures of Scotch whisky and half a pint of ale.
Has anyone here played the game (when in College I'd guess)? Seen anyone try to play the game? Prima facie this is a truly dangerous amount of alcohol to consume in 2 hours (it looks pretty debilitating even spread out over a few days as per Withnail himself!). Does anyone have any stories about emergency hospitalizations or other extreme consequences from taking W&I as a challenge in this crazy way?


Never tried the challenge, I've watched it many times whilst drunk though. Will have to try it sometime plus smeared from head to toe in deep heat with a handy pork pie nearby.


@DB. Thanks for your reply. So, I take it, none of the challenge-takers you witnessed died or even required hospitalization? Was epic vomiting required to avoid those nastier outcomes?


Never seen it tried, should have done it years ago. You'd definitely need to spew after that though probably involuntary as gin and red wine never mix well.
