Best Season in Years...

Has anyone noticed how good Home and Away was during 2016? I have to say it has definitely picked itself up and improved over the past few years. In my opinion, 2009 was the last good year of the show, with a slight improvement in 2011 thanks to the Braxtons. As a long time fan of show, I was disappointed by how boring it had gotten, although I still watched at times hoping it would get better and never missed the storylines leading up to the season finales, they were quite good. It was the Charlotte King storyline in 2015 that got me back into it again.

I was completely addicted during the 2016 season. The first few weeks with Charlotte's murder, Irene's kidnapping and the lead up to there caravan explosion was amazing and it could only get better with the arrival of the Morgans. I am really enjoying them, especially Tori and Justin. A lot of exciting things happened during the year. I was not at all disappointed with the season finale, apart from it showing too much of the music festival. Who would have thought it was John Palmer who was starting the fires and it'll be great to see how Irene reacts to the news that she is the grandmother of Billie's baby

Just hope that 2017 will be just as good, if not better.


i watch on and off over years think last time saw it was around when Bianca was pregnant to Heath but married to Liam and Health was with her sister. stop watching for years around that time until last year and only thing rope me back in was herd that Morag was back. Even tho she did not stay very long i did not realize she had left again was holding out for more episodes with her in it than got sucked into other stoylines like who killed Charlotte and stuff and before know it watched the whole year


Morag is coming back again for some episodes in 2017. I don't know how long for this time. It will be great to see her again. I remember times with she had those long recurring appearances. Wish she would return like this again.
