MovieChat Forums > Home and Away (2022) Discussion > Do unwed fathers (including rapists) hav...

Do unwed fathers (including rapists) have paternity rights in NSW?

In many jurisdictions, a man has paternity rights to the kid even if he was never married to the mother. This applies regardless of whether the sex was consensual or not. Is this the case in New South Wales? If so, doesn't this mean, in theory, that dude could take Billie's kid from her? Granted it would never actually happen because custody courts are biased in favor of women, but hypothetically?


interesting question

I'm no lawyer and i had quick look online could not find anything so this purely what I think no evidence to back it up

Mick has mental health issues has history of being a known sex offender no judge would ever allow him take full care of the child surly (really he should not be out so soon after what he did so Irene but it a show) think best he could go for would be supervised visitation and even than can't imagine be easy to get given his history

but if he had no history at all and was his word against Billy and fact Billy never reported the attack than may be different story

but if worst guy done was not be married to the mother than yeah he has every right to his kids shared or even full custody just depends on his history and the mothers history and what best for the baby
