MovieChat Forums > Red Dwarf (1989) Discussion > Your favourite top 3 episodes?

Your favourite top 3 episodes?

What are your favourite episodes in order?

1. Lemons.

2. Rimmerworld.

3. Krysis.

Cat - "How come you need more memory? Over the years you've had more RAM than a field of sheep!"

Kochanski - "Let's at least ask someone who's at least going to give us a slightly more intelligent opinion. Hello, wall! What do you think?"

Lister - "Your nickname was never Ace. Maybe Ace Hole!"

Holly - "I am Holly, the ship's computer, with an IQ of 6000; the same IQ as 6000 PE (physical education) teachers."

Kryten - "196156? Any officer caught sniffing the saddle of the exercise bicycle in the women's gym will be discharged without trial?"

Kryten - "68250? But sir surely that's impossible without at least one live chicken and a rabbi?"

Kryten - "39436175880932-B? All nations attending the conference are only allocated one car parking space?"

Kryten - "34124? No officer with false teeth should attempt oral sex in zero gravity?"

Kryten - "1742? No member of the Corp should report for duty in a ginger toupee?"


It's cold outside,
There's no kind of atmosphere,
I'm all alone,
More or less.
Let me fly,
Far away from here,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.

I want to lie,
Shipwrecked and comatose,
Drinking fresh,
Mango juice;
Goldfish shoals,
Nibbling at my toes,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.


Two of your three favourite episodes are from series X and XI? That comes as a bit of a shock - but it's actually quite nice to hear that some people think the revival is that good, I'd hate it if everyone thought RD had lost it. For me personally there's some way to go before any of the new episodes rival the quality of the first 6 series. But they're definitely getting better, Lemons was the highlight of Series X, and some of Series XI had a real classic feel to it and felt like they were beginning to get back into their stride.

My top three would be:

1) White Hole

2) Marooned

3) Bodyswap


And if I'm allowed to list a few more...

4) Meltdown

5) Legion

6) Rimmerworld


White Hole; I do love the talking toaster. I miss the toaster oddly enough. Toast? :-)


No particular 3 as there are many greats but, for a combination of great script and interesting visually:

The Last Day


Demons and Angels

I like all the ones CraigusD said too.


I'm watching Marooned right now. As a new viewer it's my favourite so far.


Better than Life


Polymorph tied with dimension jump

In a world full of lies the truth is the only answer- Blaze J. Shilling



Dimension Jump

Thanks for the Memory

special mention to Camille and Polymorph


Demons and Angels


Dimension Jump

Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic



White hole


''oh buffy, i love you so much i almost forgot to brood!''




Did you like Lemons?


Mine would have to be:

1. Holoship
2. Waiting for God
3. Back to Reality

"Attempted murder? It's not like he killed someone!"


Would Lemons be in your top ten?


Sorry, I didn't receive any notification about this at all. You must think me quite rude.

But, yes. "Lemons" was a fantastic episode. It would probably come in either 4th or 5th, I'd say.

"Attempted murder? It's not like he killed someone!"


Not all!!!

It's impossible to be upset with a Red Dwarf fan!

Plus, it's good not to live online but with online.


Holoship was a great episode too. The sex jokes killed me with laughter!!!
