Officer Rimmer

Found this to be the funniest so far. Probably because it was a Rimmer episode.

Didn't feel as rushed as the others and had a proper ending.

And another good sci-fi plot which has probably been the strongest thing about this series.


Agreed, it felt most like the "golden era" in terms of humour and sci-fi concept and very satisfying, although the ending was rather abrupt. Loved the Rimmer Monster, truley terrifying haha!


I agree, the best one yet out of series XI. It actually felt like it could have been a series III-V episode.


Funniest episode in ages!


Rimmer duplicating himself had a very Me2 vibe. I'm surprised he's risk it again.


Rimmer duplicating himself had a very Me2 vibe. I'm surprised he's risk it again.

We dont really know what version of Rimmer this is so he might not remember the events of Me2 or Rimmer World where duplicating himself caused bad things to happen


He mentioned Rimmerworld in Back in Earth, I'm pretty sure he's a hybrid of the original hologram and nano Rimmers.

I don't care about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


He mentioned Rimmerworld in Back in Earth, I'm pretty sure he's a hybrid of the original hologram and nano Rimmers.

This is the original Rimmer. Ace Rimmer (aka the original Rimmer) returned to save nano-rimmer and then convinced nano-rimmer to take his place as Ace while the original Rimmer returned to the Red Dwarf crew. This all happens off camera, but can be confirmed in the trivia for the episode "Stoke Me a Clipper"


Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

I don't care about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

It's not just "on the internet" somewhere. It's in the trivia section for the Red Dwarf episode "Stoke Me a Clipper" on INTERNET MOVIE DATABASE itself.

"Hologram Rimmer who leaves to be Ace Rimmer at the end of (#7.2) would return in "Back to Earth" the 2009 special. In the back-story, Ace Rimmer came to the rescue of Resurrected Rimmer, whom was left on-board the disintegrating Red Dwarf and ACE RIMMER BECAME HOLOGRAM RIMMER AGAIN, WHEN HE PASSES THE ROLE OF ACE RIMMER ONTO RESURRECTED RIMMER." (emphasis added)


The trivia item below may give away important plot points.

Chris Barrie had decided to take a break from Red Dwarf (1988) and starred in the short lived BBC2 sitcom A Prince Among Men (1997). However, Chris Barrie would return to the series in Series 8 as a resurrected Rimmer whom had been brought back to life by Kryten's Nanobots. When Red Dwarf (1988) returned in 2009, CHRIS RETURNED AS THE ORIGINAL RIMMER HOLOGRAM. In the backstory behind the original Rimmer hologram's return. The original Rimmer hologram whom had left to begin his adventures as Ace Rimmer, got the resurrected Rimmer to take over as Ace Rimmer." (emphasis added)

And if this isn't correct, why would these two items still be in the trivia section after all this time? Why haven't they been removed? Because they're true.


You're exceedingly naive.


You do know the cast, trivia, etc, on IMDB can be edited, right?

I don't care about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


I believe it to be the best episode so far of this season.

... Always remember Hollywood is run by 3 things : Greed, Fear, and Stupidity ...


Proper ending? Were we watching the same show? This was probably the worst example of the sudden endings that are so prevalent this season.

Aside from that though, I agree with you - fantastic episode overall in my opinion. I think that each episode so far has been an improvement on the one before (and it started off very well with Twentica).



They kill the monster.

What more do you want after that? A discussion about how they felt about it? A funeral?


We don't see the death of the monster. We see them fire the bazookoids - and then that's it. Ideally it should have ended on a joke (like the "has anyone got a poppadom?" joke at the end of DNA), but even just showing the monster explode would have been a better ending.



Feels more like a cliffhanger than an actual conclusion.


Dare I say it, I felt like the episode slightly 'jumped the shark'. He suddenly gets the opportunity to be made officer and immediately turns back in to Rimmer circa series 2 with no time for meaningful 'screw slowly going loose through power' adjustment inbetween. It's probably like aspects of Quarantine meets DNA with a touch of Better Than Life (plus 'The Rimmer Experience' in the barbershop quartet) , although the 3D printer idea was wonderfully bizarre and fresh.


Agree, certainly the best of the series and the writing and plot was as good as anything from series 2-3! This was a proper old school epsiode.

Loved Krytens little comment about Rimmer and his past of being with himself (nods to Me2, Ace and Rimmerworld).

Certainly got renewed faith in the series after this.


There hasn't been a more humorous episode since Polymorph!


The whole season has been a return to form for me. This episode especially. I didn't like the quick ending but whatever. Best the show's been since series 6. All of the characters are back in character again. The ep with Lister kidney thieving himself is one the funnier things i've ever seen on the show. And the ridiculous snack bot as well. Terrific stuff. I find the show works best when they deal with the aftermath of an adventure on Red Dwarf, rather than the whole episode being an adventure.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Damn good episode. Best Rimmer episode of series XI to be sure.
