MovieChat Forums > Red Dwarf (1989) Discussion > The Cat gets better with each series

The Cat gets better with each series

Perhaps 'A Fishing holiday??' in series 4 was where the Cat started to truly shine. Series 5 was so heavily tilted toward Rimmer focussed storylines that it's hard to say he truly shone compared to the others but we did see the introduction of Dwayne Dibbley. In series 6, after the departure of Holly, he got some more lines and was frequently great- but, again, the series was of such a high quality that it's hard to point him as being a standout.

But in series 7 he had the great 'Talked about cooped' part in Duct Soup.

Series 8 was an experiment in a way but not one that did the Cat (or Kochanski) many favours.

But, since then, the Cat has been an increasingly stylish genius of deadpan comedy. Such as the coincidence virus/injection. One character says something and the Cat's expression remains stony, only quietly flickering as you know he is supressing something. He also more often has lines that are less wacky, more dryly cynical. I suppose it was always there through series 5 and 6 but he has really come in to his own style.


Dwayne Dibbley was one of the funniest character ever on Red Dwarf, and I would absolutely love to see a return!!


As good as everyone else is, Cat always stood out to me as even better.

There's definitely some moments in the show where I might have walked away from the series but I held on just to see more of Cats one liners and walk on gags.

Among my wife and friends who quote the show and make jokes about it, Cat is the most quoted; or quotes from other characters that are about Cat.



First few series he was just a glorified back ground character who was used for the occasional cheap laugh..... then Kryton came on board and he seemed to be relegated even further... yet from series 4 he slowly starts to become (in my opinion) the "star" of the show.

Though no major story lines centered around him, series 5 and (mainly) 6 he does seem to get all the best one liner moments during the period, plus a few memorable moments, and though this period (mainly series 6) is heavily Lister orientated, he does seem to be on something a par with Rimmer (who I agree series 5 almost seemed to entirely circle around) in the pecking order almost (this is his Red Dwarf dizzy heights for sure).

Series 7 and 8 I think they ran out of idea's or just lost interest, as he seems to go from funny to just the same old annoying gags over and over again (though the heart beat moment in series 8 was good)


The Cat is fantastic, and I don't think anyone other than Danny John-Jules could play him so well.


There's a pretty Cat-centric episode coming up in Red Dwarf XI that I think you'll enjoy then!


Are you refering to the Give and Take episode ?

I read that episode's sypnosis, but I thought Cat and Rimmer were equally selfish.

... Always remember Hollywood is run by 3 things : Greed, Fear, and Stupidity ...


I can't actually remember what it was called! I've looked at the synopses and the elements of the story that I remember aren't in them but I think it's either Give & Take or Can of Worms. I'm going more towards Can of Worms.

It was the second episode filmed I think but that doesn't always follow that they will be aired in that order, so that doesn't help!


Shockingly accurate portrayal of a cat.
