MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > The episode where Arnie kisses Roseanne

The episode where Arnie kisses Roseanne

What an awkward episode...first off what a slime ball Arnie was ...kissing his friends WTF....but then why the hell didn't Roseanne immediately be like WTF and call him a pig...push him away....DO SOMETHING... ANYTHING! The way she went about it just didn't sit right with me. Was it because he kissed her neck? And not the lips? Did it confuse her? She should have outted his ass right when Dan came in!

Edited to say I don't believe for 1 second this is how he acts towards every woman...I think when he kissed Rosie in front of Dan, and then kissed Jackie after, that he was doing this just to cover his tracks.
