MovieChat Forums > Child's Play (1988) Discussion > Why do people think this movie is called...

Why do people think this movie is called "Chucky"?

I don't know about you, but most people I know think this movie is called Chucky, and they don't know that the actual title is Child's Play.
Why do people get the title of this movie wrong? Nobody thinks that Nightmare on Elm Street is called "Freddy", but for some reason, they think this movie is called Chucky when it's actually called Child's Play.
Anyone else annoyed by this?


I don't see a reason to be annoyed. It sounds maybe like the people you are talking to are a younger generation who are more familiar with the vast amount of "Chucky" sequels than the original.

Even if that's not the case, I would use the opportunity to educate them that the original was called "Child's Play" and be on my way.


For me it was because everyone kept talking about Chucky. And back in my elementary school days (mid to late 90's), whenever classmates brought up Child's Play, they'd just call them "the Chucky movies" and not Child's Play. So my dang classmates got it programmed in my head that they were called Chucky 1, 2, and 3. Then things got worse when Bride Of Chucky released, which had Chucky in the title. But then when I'd try to go find the Chucky movies in Blockbuster for the heck of it, I couldn't find them at first. Luckily, Chucky was on the front cover and part of the box art for the VHS box cover, so that's how I was able to find them. I then saw they were called Child's Play 1, 2, and 3. In my head I was thinking to my classmates, "oh you are going to get it for making me think the movies were actually called Chucky 1, 2, and 3." Of course I didn't do anything. It's more like just saying you are going to kill someone but not actually kill them. Plus I usually went into Blockbuster on a Friday afternoon or night, so by Monday I'd forget all about it and move on. But yeah. I know they are called Child's Play now and not Chucky. I've known for about 20-ish years now. But I also thought the Freddy Krueger movies were called Freddy Krueger 1, 2, 3, and so on instead of A Nightmare On Elm Street, or just "the Elm Street movies." I heard of A Nightmare On Elm Street, but I thought they were completely different than Freddy Krueger. I thought it was a different killer in those movies, or they were haunted house movies or something. Maybe evil ghost movies of some kind. I think it was the same for Jason Voorhees movies.


Reaper and Ultra are probably both right. A big reason is the "chucky" sequels that were very popular. Way more popular than the "Jason" titled movies.(Jason goes to hell, Jason X) True Horror fans would not make this mistake though. I never did...

That being said though..The Franchise Name was split along time ago and the "chucky" sequels are still being made to this day. The latest a TV series Titled CHUCKY that will be coming to the SYFY network. So it's not just a case of fans that grew up with seeing the "Chucky" titled sequels first(and possibly never even saw the original 3 Child's Play movies..its also a case of Lasting power with the title Chucky.

Also it does not help that the 2019 Child's Play has like nothing to do with the original story.


It's become sort of a identifier based solely on the titular character. Examples already mentioned of this are "Freddy" and "Jason" when referring to their respective franchises.

Another example that used to annoy me was when people referred to "Family Matters" as "The Urkel Show" or just "Urkel". It began to make sense given that he for most people he 'became' the show just as Jason, Freddy and Chucky 'became the movies they were in.
