Funniest moment

This movie has a TON of funny bits, but my favorite is when they're at the church rally, and they're passing around baskets for people to put cash donations into.

One of the men from the barber shop mistakenly puts his chicken bone in the basket. I laugh out loud every time I see that scene.


I love the church scene.

One part that always gets to me is in that same scene when Randy Watson is singing. His mannerisms are so funny but when he says "possess" his voice whistles, it kills me every single time.

This movie is too silly.



The 'Black Awareness rally' was easily the funniest part of the movie, imo.


I am not sure if it is the funniest of all the scenes but I always liked Akeems interaction around the neighborhood such as when he was walking home singing and not listening to anyone when they were asking to stop or the scene where he steps out onto the balcony at the beginning and shouts good morning to be greeted with a flat tone "hey *beep* you buddy" and he responds "Yes! *beep* you too!", it was just so nice to see his innocence.


I still love that taste the soup joke!

And all the parts where they look at the camera and break the 4th wall lol. Like when Lisa's sister says "let's get you out of these wet clothes" and Darryl looks at the camera- classic!


The early barber shop scene is one of the funniest.


Funniest moment is the barbershop scene when they're arguing over who the greatest fighter is.


I'm into the group thing! - gets me all the time


How funny is it that the scissors never touch Cuba Goodings' hair?


It is funny that they are probably the worst barbers ever...not touching Cuba's hair and then when Eddie comes in, all they do is cut off his "tail" and charge him...what was it? 8 dollars?

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.


I like the women in the club montage-especially when the lady says that she's into the group thing AND when the fake woman (Arsenio) says, "I wanna tear you apart!"

(Black movie sins):


"I wanna tear you apart!"
"...and your friend, too"


Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


"Well you know baby, I'm almost single - my husband's on death row!"

Bad taste humour always hits the spot. ;)


All hilarious but when McDowell shows Akeem the liquor train and Akeem is like what the ? and then smiles...brilliant
