MovieChat Forums > Coming to America (1988) Discussion > How HD ruined this movie - continue....

How HD ruined this movie - continue....

The kings crown looks like cardboard and some childs macaroni project now
The jungle set didn't look real to begin with, now it's even worse

You think that?

"If you can't say something nice about anyone, come and sit by me."


The hd is only as good as the original source. They used celluloid film in 1988 and it looked exactly as it did in the theatre.


Then don't watch it in HD if you think it looks worse.


It's true it looks cheaper now than it did in theaters, but it didn't ruin it for me.


The reverse problem is that the SD version looks grainy on a 50" LCD. What to do??

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


Nothing to do. The trick shots in this movie doesn't really hold up today. You can't fix it.

If it is really the grain that bothers you and not the poor resolution, then you TV surely has noise reduction filters you can turn on to eliminate most of the grain (and make the picture lifeless too), or you can do the same on your computer.


I was actually being facetious when I said 'what to do?'.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


Are yall sure you just didnt know there were better things out there? I mean I watch old movies that I thought had great special effects and really would hold up when I watch them to day. When I watch them of course they dont. I didnt know any better back then.


It looked fake then and it looks fake now. HD didn't change anything for me.


Not everything needs to be in HD. This movie certainly doesn't need to be. I would never buy it on Blu Ray. Happy to have it on a regular, old DVD. Besides, Blu Ray players still play regular DVD's.

"Oh my God! You put a living room where the crack den used to be!"


The only thing I noticed about HD is that the people seem to appear closer, me and my mom was trying to figure out the difference the other week. @Queen I have the movie on DVD too and I still watch DVDs and VHS as well if you want to really get old school.


That big necklace/chain thing with the different-shaped boxes or whatever they were that the king wore looked like it contained gourmet snack cheeses.
