MovieChat Forums > Coming to America (1988) Discussion > Proof that Hollywood is racist.

Proof that Hollywood is racist.

Romantic comedy with predominantly Black cast. Ranked #13, just below Silver Lignings Playbook, as the highest grossing romantic comedy. Hollywood is still skittish when it comes to films with an all or predominantly Black cast. So much more that Will Smith had to use a Latino as the female lead for audiences to accept.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


How does that make hollywood racist? If the public weren't so racist, then maybe they would take chances in making more movies with predominately all black casts. Who knows?? Making movies costs so much money to put together......I'd be "very worried" if I put millions of dollars into making a movie like this and then not making the money back plus profits....this would be devastating to anyone. Wouldn't you feel this way?
It makes sense as to why hollywood would be afraid to take the chance......not racist.

Also, imo....I like mixed casts anyway. Some white, some black, some asian, spanish etc. I do realize certain stories require more of a specific race, but overall I still enjoy movies with more than just white or just black casts.

I hope that I've explained this without offending this wasn't my intention.




I gave my opinion, don't like it.....too bad.
Who are you to tell anyone to "shut up" about you grow up and learn how to use your big boy/girl words because if "shut up" is all you have to offer, you're a lost cause and a huge waste of space.


The OP has a point....why was Will Smith told he couldn't have a black love interest in HITCH for fear of it being a 'black' film when COMING TO AMERICA did terrific box office business just 2 decades earlier?


From my POV, a mixed cast is more realistic, but I've spent 25 of the last 26 years on or very near military bases. My kids have been blessed to grow up with others of every race/ethnicity and creed - so much so that my 18 y.o. African American son just really doesn't get what the problem is now that we are not living in a military community. Both of my kids have been rather shocked by the behavior of Americans in the last year.


It seems a bit hypocritical how you call Hollywood racist and then insist more movies comprised of a single race should be ascended above all others. It may surprise you that the general public enjoys movies based on the content and are not driven solely by the ethnicity of the cast.



What do you need to think otherwise?



OP, you said ranked below silver linings playbook in terms of 'highest grossing'comedy. I agree that Hollywood is racist, but this stat doesn't prove it. it just proves that silver linings playbook made more money.


This movie was terrible, actually...

"MALLL NOOO, JESUS CHRIST!" - Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception


Well, according to Spike Lee, Eddie Murphy is a, "Hollywood Negro". So if that's the case its basically a "white man's movie".
