MovieChat Forums > Coming to America (1988) Discussion > How many expected his finger to land on ...

How many expected his finger to land on Queensland?

Silly question I know but the chances would be so much higher than the comparative speck of Queens.



Dude Queensland?! Hahaha what 'racist' Australian chick would marry him in the 80's even if they knew he was a prince; he was still African! What am I saying in the 80's - even today its like that!!! Or was he supposed to hook up with an aboriginee ? Didn't they for the most part get wiped out ! ;-)

There would have been no movie! :-) He wouldn't even get a job at McDowells...

So I for one didn't expect that.


America's reputation is what attracted the prince to come here and search for his bride.

Sorry ,mate......Australia wasn't in the running.

Heads tails flip over whether they 'd go to LA or NY......and then a magnifying glass spotlighted Queens..


A) Most people have never heard of Queensland
B) Queensland chicks are ugly
C) There are no black women there (Redneck Wonderland)


Captain_Bob... Despite the fact I'm a straight female I can tell that you have clearly never visited the Gold Coast! ;)


In a film called Coming To AMERICA...why would anyone think his finger would land anywhere other than AMERICA?

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


It's not queens land, that's in Australia I think.
He stayed in queens


The OP is saying that there was a chance his finger could have landed on Australia, Queensland.


Oops, I just watched the movie again.
Semmi says "where will you find such a woman?"
Prince Akeem says "In America!"
and then they start looking at maps in the library.
Semmi says "the land is so big. The choices are infinite. Where shall we go? Los Angelos or New York?"

so, they prince had already chosen America. It just happens that then they flip a coin and the choice becomes New York. Then looking at a close up map, they choose Queens.


If there was an Aussie version of this movie that would work a treat......dude from Kings Cross hooks up with chick from Queensland.

I'm Aussie and have been to both Queens and Queensland....they're nice places!


Since it's called "Coming to America", and Queensland is not in America, I did not expect him to point to Queensland.
