extra finger

i saw this movie on a screener tape before it was actually released, and haven't seen it since, but i very closely remember one thing, and i showed several friends just to make certain i wasnt crazy...

when they are in the butcher shop, and roger loses a finger...the missing finger would be his 6th finger. they may have fixed it by now, but when i saw it, the severed finger was attached between his middle and ring fingers. i guess the idea was either we wouldntg notice, or maybe they meantg to establish that he had 6 fingers and didnt...or maybe they did and i dont remember it...

anyway, i have remembered that ever since. has anyone else seen this? have they fixed this for the dvd release, or even for versions released later?

if someone has mentioned this already, i apologize. i loooked through the boards for a mention, but didnt see anythng.


At no point does he lose a finger, the cleaver cuts between his fingers when he raises his hand to stop it. You can see it up close in the next scene when it's being stitched.


nope the guys right he does have an extra finger taped down

Eric C 4 Prez
