Just realized something!

OK I have seen this film a billion times, but watching it yesterday it finally hit me.

Jason can fold a human being in half and crack his spine.

punch the head off of a high school boxer.

but he cant snap that chain around his neck? the one that is keeping his anchored to the bottom of crystal lake?

or at least swim with that 75 pound rock to the surface? tommy was able to lift the stupid rock, Jason cant?


You raise a valid point, and I can only think of one possible explanation:

Jason usually stands on solid ground everytime he does his killing so that he can make use of every muscle in his body to get the powerlevel he requires to manhandle his victims. But when Tommy Jarvis sunk him to the floor of the lake, Jason was floating (although he was held down by the chain). In effect: since he had no contact with the ground, he lacked the leverage he needed to fuel his muscles to the point where he could snap the chain, much less move the rock.

That's my theory - anyone got another?


It has annoyed me too... I think Jason could have easily take the chain off his neck :-/


lol at 75 pound rock try at least 300 solid rock that big thick lol yeah look at tommy he could barely push it to get it in boat the boat almost sank just putting the rock into it


lol at 75 pound rock try at least 300 solid rock that big thick lol yeah look at tommy he could barely push it to get it in boat the boat almost sank just putting the rock into it


look if Tommy could manage it, then Jason could throw the damn rock it across the lake with one hand!


being chained to it is a different story


I always thought maybe that was a big of supernatural legend to it.Tommy read a book talking about how Jason had to bre returned to his original resting place.Maybe it wouldnt kill him but perhaps in the lake he can be bound or put in a dormant state.

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade


I always thought maybe that was a big of supernatural legend to it.Tommy read a book talking about how Jason had to bre returned to his original resting place.Maybe it wouldnt kill him but perhaps in the lake he can be bound or put in a dormant state.

Pretty much this. He was asleep/at rest at the bottom of the lake until Tina mistakenly conjured him up.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


it's a very durable chain!


When I first saw this movie back in the 90s as a kid I thought Jason snapped the chain 


I was just thinking about that scene, Jason could have grabbed the length of chain an used it to pull himself down to the bottom of the lake where the boulder was an pick it up an walk out with it.

Channel Six News, they'll finger anything with a pulse!


At the end of "Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI" Tommy sets up chaining Jason to a rock at the bottom of the lake at that exact point because it is the place where he originally drowned and so is the only place he can be captured. Thus for supernatural reasons mentioned in the previous film Jason cannot escape on his own.
