One of My Faves

I know some people think this is one of the weaker ones in the series, but it's one of my faves. My bro, cousins and I used to always watch 1-8 when they'd come on as a marathon on USA back in the 90s. This one always stood out to me. I know the telekinesis is cheesy, but I like it. I like all Jasons. Kane Hodder is one of the better ones. Even when he breathes you can see his anger.


Same here.

"Need a little touch up work, my ass"

Plus that awesome explosion!

And that excellent, chilling opening narration by 'crazy' Ralph, no less.

Kevin Blair Spirtas makes for a charming hero.

Also the opening music credits are different.

Let's not forget the inspired sleeping bag kill.

There's also some hot guys too.


This is one of my faves as well. It's a lot of fun and the last entry in the series with the classic F13 feel.
