Wait a Frickin Second!!

So they expected us to buy this crap..... Jason is brought back to life AGAIN by telekinesis no less but then instead of killing Tina who is passed out on the dock or any of the people in the two houses mere feet away from the lake Jason instead decides to walk 5 miles to kill the Birthday Boy and his Girl first.
The entire series has been filled with plot holes and continuity problems that can be contributed to changing film crews etc and can be overlooked or forgiven by some but this is such a glaring impossibility that defies any & all logic....


Maybe he thought she was dead.
Or maybe he just needed to stretch his legs a little first.

You can't order up a satellite like ordering a pizza


yeah. hed been stuck in that lake for a long time. i imagine he wasnt feeling at the top of his game.

I am the eggman, they are the eggmen
I am the walrus, googoo goo joob goo goo goo goo joob-J Lennon


Noticed how he walks back and forth between the houses and the woods? Why doesn't he stick around and kills everyone in one place, and then everyone else at the other. He kills the mom but leaves the doctor alone, then comes back with that chainsaw on a stick thing and kills the doc after all.
And he uses a different weapon for every single kill, even though he usually was so fond of his machete (and he found one with his third victim).

I think they desperately tried to develop a plot by having so many different murder scenarios and locations.

Got any idea where we are?
Yes. You are right behind me, and I am right in front of you.




They were running out of options at that point. Eh, I still love it.

There's a legend round here, a killer buried but not dead.


He runs around alot between places in the NES video game, too.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here


Jason is brought back to life AGAIN by telekinesis no less but then instead of killing Tina who is passed out on the dock or any of the people in the two houses mere feet away from the lake Jason instead decides to walk 5 miles to kill the Birthday Boy and his Girl first.

Ha! I always thought I was the only one who noticed that. Still love this movie though :)


Jason wasn't dead, he just couldnt escape from the site of his drowning.


Except for a stop in New York and that whole trip to outer space.

"Not All Those That Wander Are Lost"


He meant that Tommy saw in a book of the occult that a spirit supernatural spirit type entity could only be stopped by putting it where it'd died. That's why Jason can punch through four inch steel but can't snap a chain.

The only thing I can come up with is Jason came out of the lake at a different area than the docks and surveyed the surrounding area first, he likely had no concept of how long he was under the water and its implied that the birthday guy and his girlfriend were no longer five mikes away from the house. The issue is quick cuts in a film vs time actually passed and specifically what characters are doing while not on screen.

Example is that everything doesn't always happen consecutively while some does and some happens at the same time. So Jason could have came out of the lake seconds on screen before showing a car broke down but thirty minutes had passed from the time we see them leave the car to head towards the cabin.


Maybe he needed weapons from his shack first? It seemed to be way out in the woods when Maddy stumbled upon it.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here
