This movie is awesome

Am I the only one who thinks that this movie is awesome


It has some awesome scenes.


I'm a pretty big fan of the series so I enjoy it.


I think this is the weakest one but it is good.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


It's a weak Jason one but has some great tits, a great Jason, and the sleeping bag kill


It's a weak Jason one

What are you talking about? Jason never looked as badass as he did in part 7. The look of Jason, along with how Hodder played him, is the main reason so many people count part 7 as their favorite F13 movie.


jason looks like a waterlogged fag in this one


^^^ Dumbass Alert ^^^


kane ruined Jason forever,
he turned a monolith of quiet death and carnage into a WWF superstar wrestler with his own shitty theme song


Over time I've come to appreciate it. The soap opera elements, the cheesy 80's-ness, bad girl Melissa. I kinda like that Tina is a match for Jason.

~Keep on Trucking!~


It has always been one of my favs. I love Kane's take on Jason. I like the voice over intro. I love the scene when Jason rises up pout of the lake. Just overall cool *beep*


It's basically Carrie vs. Jason. It's pretty cool for what it is.

We’re trying to pretend as if these comic books don’t exist. - David Goyer on the DCEU


It is my favorite Friday The 13th movie to this day, because it’s the first movie in series I’ve seen when I was just a kid around 12 yr old. I remember I didn’t know even what part it was (like the name of the movie title) because it was cut out from VHS. I saw this on bootleg tape in Russia around 90 or 91 when such movies were rarities and had no idea what part it was until many years later. And I gotta say I loved it. Because for one thing I didn’t see many horror movies and then this movie had nice sp.effects, it had very memorable scenes. Back then it even seemed very violent without showing much gore, only now when I’ve seen all other films and rewatched it recently was a little surprised how tame it really was. But back then Jason looked very scary, and his kills seemed very violent and pretty cool at the same time. It was probably the first villain for me who would refuse to die and kept getting up over and over again after having his ass kicked.
