28 Years Ago

This movie came out on Friday, May 13th, 1988, which was exactly 28 years ago yesterday. And that year, 1988, and this year, 2016, have the same day and date correspondence (that is, the dates fall on the same day of the week in both years). So both years had a Friday the 13th that occured in May, and it was the only Friday the 13th in either year.

I had been a big fan of the Friday the 13th movies since 1982-83 when I was in early high school, and in May, 1988 I was 20 and had just finished my second year in college, and the college I had gone to right after high school that was a big mistake and I wished I had never gone to. I was back home and the following August was going to start my third year of college near my hometown and commute, and this college was in the same city my main movie theater was in, where I went to most of my movies. I wanted to see this movie being a big Friday the 13th fan, and went to this theater to do so, and it was the first movie I had gone to in a theater since the previous August (of 1987) when I was home between my two years at that other college for the summer and had gone to 16 movies at this theater.

I went to this theater on the afternoon that it opened, went into its auditorium and sat in the back as I always did, and about halfway up the theater, near the middle and in the side seats near the right wall, were two members of my high school class that had gone to and graduated high school with me (class of 1986). They were the first members of my high school class that I had seen since graduation (June 7, 1986) in almost two years. They looked back and saw and recognized me, and one of them waved and I waved back. There were a few other people in this auditorium, and we then all watched the movie, and after it was over I immidiently left and did not stay to speak to them or anything, but they will always have that distinction, the first members of my high school class I saw after graduation. And this is somewhat relevant this year (2016) because it is the 30th anniversary year of when we did graduate from high school, and in the last couple of weeks I have been getting alot of emails about that stuff (reunions, classmates contacting me, messages from classmates).

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park
