Exactly what made Maddy think . . .

... that David was outside? She inexplicably goes not only outside, but into the woods.


If you pay close enough attention she looks like she exits the house from an entirely different location. And that's because there's a cut scene where she finds David and Robin smoking in a cellar (it looks very grainy and in bad shape) and confronts them and David gives her a lit joint as he leaves and she takes a hit. It's on the Deluxe Edition DVD.


I've seen that scene, but the way it's cut, Robyn and David leave Maddy in the shed with the joint. She puffs on it a bit, coughs, then we get the shot of Jason opening the door as Maddy looks at him from behind the partition, obviously freaked out. The rest of the scene should have played out just the same as the theatrical. I was never under the impression Maddy smokes, then goes back outside to resume searching for David--it was pretty clear he and Robyn didn't want company seeing as they left her there. It looks like her original death just involved being come upon in the shed by Jason and being trapped. Which makes the shot of her exiting the shed to search for David in the theatrical cut all the more odd.
