
My wife and I watched this movie the other night and found it to be excellent but also heartbreaking.

We were struck with the hatred that child services seemed to have for this family just because they loved this child. The head of the agency seemed to almost take some kind of perverse pleasure when she brought Tella back to the Brady's, in telling them she may not be the same girl they remember, almost taking some kind of satisfaction in what they did to her. Their effort to cover up their mistake and refusal to place this child back with this family until the governor got involved were criminal.

While Tella's reunion with the family was presented as a happy ending, it really was not because whe was scared for life. I could empathize with the dad who wanted to kill the guy and felt like even if he went to prison for the rest of his life, it would be worth it.

Bureacracies spend too much time trying to cover their ass and not enough serving the people.


Why is it not a happy ending? If her foster parents were supportive and positive, the child does not need to be scarred for life from what she suffered. Also, don't forget that before being returned to the family she loved, she was with a foster family that did take good care of her and likely began the process of helping her heal psychologically from all she had gone through.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
