Dennis Farina

I thought Dennis Farina was a fabulous mob-boss.


Agree 1000% - he rocks.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


If you said that you didn't think he was a fantastic mob boss he'd either bury a telephone in your head, stab you in the heart with a pencil or blowtorch you.


No kidding. When I clicked this thread I was just expecting to see the words "badass". lol

Dennis Farina = badass

he was awesome. There's some awesome line about stabbing someone with a pencil or something but I forgot what it was.


You two dummies better start gettin' more seriously involved in your work, or I'm gonna stab ya though the heart with a fĂșckin' pencil...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Is this Moron Number ONe ? Put Moron Number Two on the phone.




Farina was well-cast. He can play both sides of the law well - cop and mobster.



Theres a thin line ...


Along with everything the other posters said, he was an extremely well-dressed mob opposed to Jack Walsh, who still looks like he should be standing on the corner with a cup in his hand.

"If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me!"


I agree. Did you see his sweaters?


"Hey Jack, I se your still spending all your money on clothes"


"I'm finally in the presence of greatness, I just wanted to meet you before I kill you & then you know what I'm going to do after? I'm going to go home and have a good meal & then I'm gonna find your wife & I'm going to kill her too"

His real name is Mosley!!!. . . . . . . . . . . . .I'M MOSLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Agree completely. I loved Farina in this (I pretty much love the guy in everything he's ever done). He can be really funny and still effortlessly project an unsettling sense of menace. My favourite role of his will always be as Lieutenant Mike Torello in Michael Mann's 'other' eighties tv series Crime Story, but I also thought his Jack Crawford in Mann's Manhunter was spot-on, miles better than Scott Glenn's turn in Silence of the Lambs.

"Fear is not what you owe me. No Lounds, you and the others - you owe me awe."


Dennis Farina ROCKS!!! I love him in this film and also "Get Shorty." (Ray Barboni from Miami!)

Is it okay if I do it for mom and not you? 'Cause I really like mom.


Gotta love his "pretzel" sweater!

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!


Gotta love his "pretzel" sweater!
I just posted this same thing under the thread of what I would change about this movie. His sweater definitely has not stood the test of time. Was it even in style in 1988? It looks like the top half is a dress shirt and the bottom half is a sweater with that pretzel design. Whoever designed that horrendous sweater should be Serrano himself.


Now all I can hear when Dennis Farina is on screen is snelling saying, "Gotta love his pretzel sweater!!" and I'm laughing the entire scene. Thanks. I'll never view that scene the same again!! LOLOLOL And the dork factor is raised by not only his "pretzel sweater" but that he tells Sidney to have a cream soda, like it's 1955 or something. Not "have a scotch" or "have a drink" or anything but specifically to have a "cream soda". LOLOL


Make yourself a sandwich, drink a glass of milk...


I'm gonna have a cream soda, do some fu**in thing.

"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."


Wonder if Farina was in Vegas for his scenes because he was filming his Crime Story stuff there at the time... But, yeah, heÂŽs definitely underused in Midnight Run.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Don't say a *beep* word, or I'll swear I'll bury that telephone in your head

I actually ADMIRE Lance Armstrong because when I took drugs, I couldn't even FIND my bike!


I am going to miss this actor. I watch this movie at least once a year now.

Enter my contest! I need help for a new signature! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!


Same here, he was a really great actor, he stole every scene in a film he was in whether it was Snatch, Get Shorty, Midnight Run, etc, the guy was just all kinds of awesome. He will be missed.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


For real. I liked him ever since I saw him in CRIME STORY---he could steal scenes just by threatening folks and showing those big shaggy eyebrows of his.


Now get that accountant or I'm gonna come blow torch the both of yas.


Farina will always be one of my top favorite character actors. Midnight Run is my favorite Farina performance but there a number of others which I love, Get Shorty for one.


Fun fact: Dennis Farina was not a trained actor, in any sense of the word. Guess what he did for 18 years, before jumping into acting? Chicago Police Officer!!!

That's right. He was initially hired as a consultant on one of Mann's flicks, got a bit part after that, and basically never looked back. Check out his bio. . .he was a pretty fascinating guy. Definitely missed.

"Personally I hope they make all the gods black and change it from Valhalla to Valholla!"


I really love the guy.


Great Screen Presence
