MovieChat Forums > Midnight Run (1988) Discussion > Have you heard of this potato, it's call...

Have you heard of this potato, it's called a lyonnaise potato....'s sort of a fried potato but it's got like an onion in it, it's really quite delicious. it goes great with steak or hamburgers, cheeseburgers really any of your meat dishes.


LOL it's all down to Grodin's monotone delivery .


Look: just shut the *beep* up!

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Gee Leforcat I know you all of two minutes and already i don't like ya.


Beeping-A - I'm the best!

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Gee, that's too bad - I really like you...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Make sure you speak into the MICROPHONE!!!!


Are you gonna propose to me?

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Chorizo and eggs.

I'll get you whatever you want.



You dye your hair?... Are you a Communist?

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That's 13%. These people depend on tips for living.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Steak... chops...

Enter my contest! I need help for a new signature! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!


"Enter my contest! I need help for a new ! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!"

If this contest is real how about: "Signature....Signature? I don't need no stink'in signature!!!"


[smugly, regarding the counterfeit 20 dollar bills]: "He gets them all the time." "Take two steps back. You, open the register."

I'm just surprised that the 20 dollar bill on top of the stack wasn't paid by a guy still sitting at the bar watching this scene unfold. Lucky break!


HOW MUCH IS THE COFFEE, HOW MUCH IS THE TEA, ok i'll have a tea then


I'll tell you what: if you don't cooperate, you gonna suffer from "fistophobia"!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Silence ya sloppy hags!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


i'm a fan.

🎄Season's Greetings!🎄
