
This film is a pure satisafaction of MJ's ego. And not to sound too controversial but it could very well be taken as a way of Micheal trying to make more kids like him, after all, what kid wouldn't want to hang around with cool uncle Micheal who can turn into a car and a spaceship.

I used to love this film so much, as a kid, but now i can just see Micheal wanted to have a film where every possible thing is about nothing but him. It could even be half decent if it had more of a story, but instead we get 20 minute montages of micheals songs which, any true fan would own on album anyway.

<Morphindel-1 because i arsed up the first Morphindel account>


but now i can just see Micheal wanted to have a film where every possible thing is about nothing but him. It could even be half decent if it had more of a story, but instead we get 20 minute montages of micheals songs which, any true fan would own on album anyway.

Yeah, I would think so...its a video compilation of all his work.


So just don't watch again if you hate it so much. Dork...

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


I have never watched this, as I hate Jackson I won't waste my time watching.


So why are you even on this message board?

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Because I detest child abuser Jackson.


Okay, I have two things to say about that. 1: Why are you on a message board about someone you detest? That makes no sense. 2: He's not a child abuser, you creep!

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


1. This is a message board not a fan site where you can only post nice things.

2. Yes he is. He paid money to cover it up, Fact. And I'm no creep!



Oh of course... and all the money covered it right up didnt it seeing as no body knows about the charges!

U gotta be pretty thick to believe that he tried to cover it all up... he didnt pay to keep his public image... thats impossible because ppl like u have already tarnished it beyond repair... he paid for it to all go away.

But low and behold more a**holes came for their piece of the cake...


Yet another gullible Jackson fan has learned how to use the internet. Grow up you child and face the fact that Jackson is a hideous looking Paedophile who paid off his victims.


I can see why your name is "dirt-box", you big bully... clearly you love digging up dirt on people.

Nothing you can say will tarnish my belief that Michael is innocent.

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


Thankfully, it seems like Dirt-Box hasn't been around any MJ-related boards for a long time. The creep used to follow me around to other message boards, just to annoy me. But that was a long time ago.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


That's good then... the last thing that MJ needs is more haters.

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


I couldn't have said it better myself.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Well, it is good to know there are other sensible-minded people out there after all :)

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


Michaels needs all the fans, that he can get.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Absolutely... if he sells enough tickets for his concerts this year and next he might be able to get out of debt.

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


Yes, that would be a good thing for him.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


And then I think he should get out of the public eye for a while, and settle down somewhere. Preferably with me lol...

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


He was out of the public eye for a long time. I'm glad to see him doing something again.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Yeah, I guess you're right. He should keep making music and entertaining people.

I hope he releases some new songs soon too...

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


Yes, he hasn't done that for a long time.

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


Not since Invincible :) Unless you count 'One More Chance' from his Number Ones album. That song's so sad, it makes me cry every time...

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


There's another song too, that I don't have. I think it's called "We've had enough".

Yes, it's true! IMDB has reached Sweden!


I haven't heard that song before, I don't think, although the title rings a bell...

And I've got a few unreleased songs of his too, like "For All Time" and "What More Can I Give"

"Do you want it?" YES, Jareth!


I'm watching it right now and I 100% agree, he was a genius at manipulation
