What happend to Elena?

So I m a liitle confused...what happend to Elena in the end?

Where did she go? I know that Alfredo was the main reason why two of them broke up but they at least try to meet each other later in their lives....

What happend with her later in life?


Hey, it is apparent from your question that you have seen the shortened version.
Please try and source the longer version, it will completely change how you perceive the characters and the story, and the movie as such, as well as answer your question.


I only saw the film when it first came out, so I only saw the shorter version, and the editing left that issue utterly mysterious. That was one part of the film I found unsatisfying, not that it didn't work out for them, but that such an important part of his life ended without much info about it.


I can see why the lack of explanation can be unsatisfying. For me, however, I thought it was just as effective by NOT having the details provided. Was it her father's disapproval? Did she meet someone else? Bottom line: he was indeed tragically heartbroken. In a way, sympathy for Toto builds even more with the audience not knowing why she disappeared, or never responded, etc.

-In a perfect world, Shane came back.


Of course, we do see this question answered fully with the longer version, but to stick to the message of the shorter version...I think how Salvatore was left hanging, with the provincial bus arriving again and again in the town square but with no Elena in sight is like a gaping hole in the midst of the movie, no closure. It is a message that the realities of life, suck and a lot of people can relate to being left hanging, esp. with unrequited love or missing out on the love of one's life. But with the Director's Cut, there's still the missing out on the love of one's life, but the large difference is that there is closure and the difference is that simple.
