Which Toto do you like best?

I think child Toto is most charming, middle age Toto best acted. Surprisingly I'll vote for teenage Toto - his life decisions are the crux of the film and he reminds me of my son!

Child 0
Teenage 1
Middle age 0



I swear to God, little Toto is the cinematic embodiment of all my little cousins. The way he talks...it's PERFECT. I almost died when I heard the way that he says "grazie" rin the beginning, right after Alfredo promises him that he can have all the film, with that little hand gesture. He is every Sicilian little boy I've ever known.

"We are now the Knights who say...Ekki-ekki-ekki-ekki-PTANG, zoom-boing, z'nourrwringmm."


They were all wonderful but little Toto is my favorite.


Little Toto all day long!

What happened to BuzzSaw?
He had to split!


Little Toto


Little Toto. I also thought Philippe Noiret was cast perfectly as Alfredo,he was one of my favorite actors.

"I will never let you part,for you are always in my heart" Michael Jackson


Child Toto hands down. The other 2 don't even compare.



Little Toto is the best cutest thing. Teenage Toto is HOT.


Adult Toto because the actor was so good and that seeing him reflect over his life was very interesting.


I like the child version the best.

Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!


I never cared for the one(s) who sang that song Hold The Line.
