after the credits

when i saw this movie in the theater in the original release, a few of us stayed through the credits. at the end of the credits, toto sees an adult elena, looking much the same but with grey hair across the room. there is a tone of promise, suggesting that they will find each other again.

now, i can't find this after-the-credits scene in the dvd. maybe i have the wrong length dvd. did anyone else see this scene?


I think you are talking about the extra 50 mins on the director's cut dvd. This is the BEST version of the film. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)


thanks, but no. what i saw on the original release came at the end of the credits and lasted about 30 seconds.

the longer version that i have on dvd has a quite extensive extra section in which the 2 meet at about age 50 and have a conversation that is long but not at all full of promise for their relationship.

so very different from what i saw in the theater.


Yes, it is in the original release. At the end, when it says "fine" and credits begin, at the end of those credits you can see how Toto sees an adult Elena. It lasts like 5 secs though.


Yes it is in the original release.

I've seen some discussion that at the start of the film there is a jump in the titles when the actress's name was removed and she stayed in the snippet of film at the end. Some people says it was Tornatore's one gesture at the big cuts made to his original film.

There are many arguments about whether the shorter or longer version are better. Personally I prefer the longer one and when they meet up again is arguably one of the best and best acted scenes in the whole film.
