Best Version?

international or director's cut?
or the 155 min version?


The 155 min version doesn't seem to be available,this is my favourite film for over a decade and I still haven't been able to track down a copy. I believe the Director's Cut is better BY FAR than the International Version,but I think I'm in the minority. I agree that it's longer and slower,so my recommendation would be to watch the International Version first,than if you liked it and you want the answers to some unexplained questions in the film,than see the Director's Cut.


okay...International version it is.


I've seen the Internationtal version and I thought it was brillant. So now I'm trying to find the 155 minutes version that, according to the director, never saw the light because the critics consider it too long. I hope to find it.

Happiness only real when shared - Christopher McCandless - Into the Wild


I just watched a version that was 171 minutes. I like the original much better. The love story was not believable. Usually there are reasons why material is deleted and now I know why it was the case here. The love story and the details and characters are from another movie it seems. The deleted love story and the original story don't gel well. Should have left well enough alone.


Good info. I'll give it a try, thou...

Happiness only real when shared - Christopher McCandless - Into the Wild


Oh you should watch the longer version, but I feel that you will like the shorter, original version much better.


A delayed response yes, but having just seen this film for the first time (2 hours 50 ish... so I presme the Directors cut), surely most people's answer to this question would depend on which version they'd seen first? Maybe I'm wrong though. I am slightly tipsy, haha - oops! I suppose I think a lot of people talk about a lot of films, but I feel (personally) that the most important thing about a film is the emotional impact it has on you, and that impact is surely always going to be the greatest the first time you see a film, even if subsequetly you see another longer or shorter version that is somehow different and you think you like it better or worse. Hmm??? I dunnooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! Tipsy post is tipsy!


Another Delayed response Yes, (The Version i Have seen is the Longest 171 min version, which i thought was very sad and moving. It is Also one of my favourite Italian films)If You are not sure which version then i would suggest that you buy the UK R2 Arrow 4-Disc Deluxe Edition which contains both versions of the film (the 155 min version has never been available on dvd, some extras on the third disc and Ennio Morricone's soundtrack on disc 4 (Which for some reason isn't listed on dvd compare site) or the US weinstein 3-Disc Deluxe edition (which also has both versions of the film and the soundtrack on the third disc).

By the Way if you are not sure which is the best DVD version of a film then You Should check out the site


Some background: The long version (171 mins) is the original. When it was released there was a lot of critisism over the running time so the director cut an hour or so out and re-released it.

The original film is wide and deep and bittersweet. The shorter version removed nearly all the bitterness and left a film that is too sweet for some, but is inoffensive enough to score highly with many viewers. Many film lovers argue over the film unaware that they have seen two entirely different movies.

I think the longer version is far superior, with themes of life and love and loss and consequence. The shorter version is often called "a love letter to the cinema" but the longer version raises questions on much larger topics. It is much more satisfying and I urge you to see THIS version if you get the chance and don't mind investing 3 hours in a film. You will be rewarded.


The original "long" version.

I may be criticized as too harsh but I'd say the U.S. version is a complete butchering and the 155min cut is incomplete.

Those foolish enough to move from canada to america increase the average I.Q. of both countries


The original longer version, at 171 minutes, is the masterpiece. The shorter version is lovely as well, but the depth and intelligence and heart of the long version is unmatched in the shorter cut.

I am free. But life is so cheap.


The Cinema Paradiso that won the Oscar for best foreign film was the 124 minutes version. Harvey Weinstein, the boss at Miramax, trimmed a full 51 (50) minutes from the film. That version was a crowd pleaser and liked by almost everyone. The film is now available on DVD with both versions. On Side B, the original 124 minutes version and on Side A, the new version (director's cut) at 174 minutes. I saw the original when it was released and just finished watching the new longer version. As a film lover, I preferred the director's cut, but I believe that for today's audience, the original shorter version is the one they'll enjoy the most.


It's a tough call as to which version is better. SPOILER: Alfredo comes across as much more sympathetic in the International version. However, in the Director's cut, we learn that he is the reason why Toto and Elena separated -- and why Toto never returned home. I can definitely see why the shorter version is more of a crowd pleaser, but I find the Director's cut to be more complex and multi-dimensional due to the revelation.


I agree. The long version contains so much that one can enjoy its deep meaning!


If you don't watch the director's cut I believe you will miss out on the most heart breaking/moving scene in cinema history
