MovieChat Forums > Rain Man (1988) Discussion > is this cancelled now?

is this cancelled now?

since Dustin Hoffman wasn't REALLY mentally challenged, and the world's gone out of its fucking mind about who gets to act, is it time to retro actively cancel this because someone is offended yet?

Well, get on it, Leftards!

While we protecting everyone from everything, here's things that I do not like that should be cancelled. because they offend me.

- all horror movies
- american politics: dems and repubs
- the color orange
- the letter Q
- green beans
- anyone who publicly talks about their sexuality (hint: no one cares)
- most vegtables
- games where you shoot other people

Can I be a lefty now? you know... making the world a better place by deleting it


I'm a socialist, and also a big horror movie fan.

Also don't have a problem with the color orange or the letter 'Q'.

Cute list, though.


Your perspective is canceled by what offends me.
So even my list gets canned.
It offends ME


Why the fuck are you a socialist!?


I don't see the relevance. I'm not here to talk politics, I'm here to talk movies.

That said, I can give a quick reply:

People who are conservative hold their views that they believe to be right, people who are liberal hold the views they believe to be right, people who are moderates hold the views they believe to be right, and I hold the views I believe to be right.


…and Nazis hold the views they believe to be right.

Doesn’t stop the views of Nazis and Socialists from being absurd, discredited and evil.


You're welcome to hold whatever views you want.

My primary point was pointing out the absurdity that someone on the left can't enjoy horror films.


All I know is that if the next new serial killer movie that I watch isn't portrayed by a real serial killer, then that's it, I'm fucking boycotting.


Truth! Get them out of jail force them to act. This is brilliant.


Frankly I wish the police could just arrest all these insane people and that judges could just have them put in a mental institution til they realize the error of their way of thinking. And that includes politicians who encourage these crazy people to think the way they do.


Social justice is subjective fictional justice.
REAL justice is what we need to simply do what it do.


how fascist of you.


you seem kind of blinded to the amount of crazy that is going on, that the majority of us can see.
why do you suppose that is? serious question.


Nah..the tropes are all woke now.


you defend blackface too?


you a leftard?


You a trumptard?


no, I'm completely non political.

why didnt you answer the question?


"Non political", yeah, riiiight. You don't sound like a right wing nutjob *at all*


ok... let's do this.

please point out SOME of the nutjob/crazy stuff the RIGHT mob is imposing on society, and you can not simply including the STOPPING of the left crap.
Maybe I can learn to be better from it.

because I could very easily point out tons of lefty crap that nobody wants based on the vast majority of peoples. there is no denying that the vast majority is what runs society - it goes without question. like water being wet.


There's no point in arguing with someone that justifies the actions of fascists like De Santis and Trump. It's a waste of time.




well, maybe this will help: I AM completely unpolitical. I know almost nothing about trump or santis. I don't vote. I think all sides of my american government is a scam, so I am not justifying anything of them.
How did you even arrive at that? I've never been political.


I think for myself, consider all sides, ALWAYS end up on reason, logic, facts, and reality. From my seat, the LEFT works from feelings, wants, personal morality, agendas and protests. Please, prove me wrong.

Avoiding this "discussion" done in an adult way, means you concede you have nothing valid to stand on. I get that. I see it all the time. Usually, those people default back on to insults instead of using reason, login, facts, and reality.... because their side has none of those.
Again, feel free to prove me wrong.


All you're acknowledging to exist, then, are the fringe activist types—pavement pounders who are upset about some issue or person and define themselves by it. You're arguing against stereotypes and caricatures of political thought. Do you think these people, your "LEFT" are of consequence? Do you think that in a leftist Democratic Administration (or D congressional majority) that these "feeling squad" warriors are put-in-charge at the Pentagon, replacing Admirals and Generals? Do they, then, cut ties with Lockheed Martin and instead forge deals with Nabisco so we can stockpile cookies and pastries to drop in the event of a belligerent nation-state? Because if this doesn't happen, and you can't be bothered to examine actual American and Western Governments, their laws, their candidates, or the policy platforms, then what the fuck are you wasting our time like this?! You, and all those like you, talking about 'cancel', 'woke' and whatever other buzzwords you heard on Youtube while kicking it in detention. Maybe the American Government is a scam, whatever the hell that means, but it seems to be necessarily so if you are to be considered representative of our depth of understanding of reason, logic, facts and reality.


two things:

1. thanks for jumping in and responding with somewhat level headed discussion where the other guy isn't going to

and 2. stay out of it? its interesting the other guy can't support an adult discussion after we started doing it that way. very typical from "that side"

and 3. are you his sock account?


and I can ask yet again...

why didnt you answer the question?

Seems maybe *I* am wasting MY time here.


Honestly?? For as often as the left are offended in 2024, I'm surprised they didn't find some reason to crap on this because Dustin Hoffman was acting mentally challenged and instead, they would've wanted a real mentally challenged actor to be cast in this role?? And for the record, this movie was 5 Stars *****


yep, exactly my point. THEY pick and choose their battles based on.... um... no one really knows? Personal feelings at the moment that could change a minute later? Constant moving gola posts.

let's be offeneded because they didn't hire a REAL [insert random here], but NOT be offended by this instance where a normal actor is playing a mental guy?

let's be offended by "Baby it's cold outside" for sounding 'rapey', but NOT be offended by WET ASS PUSSY. That's the name: WET, ASS, PUSSY.... and that's OKAY. While it sings aobut whores, niggas, choking on cock

hey fucking leftard idiots. grow a brain please. how are you lefts so fucking blind? It is in your face, just like a wet ass pussy.

[sorry BKB, it needed to be said]
