MovieChat Forums > Red Heat (1988) Discussion > impressive action pic

impressive action pic

saw this when it came out in theatres in Summer 1988. It was ok. Forgot about it. Just saw it again on HBO. Wow impressive action pic. One of Walter Hill's best. Essentially a reworking of his 48 Hrs plot, but with a much better script. The dialogue and tension when Danko talks to blind con in prison is first rate. And nobody can top Hill for gunfire sound design.



Totally agree 100 %. Nothing like the way Walter Hill makes his action and shootout scenes work. I do some shooting myself in my spare time and Hill's scenes are the closest I can see that look like real guns going off and doing the damage they do. Ever see Extreme Prejudice ??? Another great Hill flick.


Damage… unless the gun is being fired at Schwarzenegger, in which case hundreds of bullets from almost point blank range miraculously miss him.

The gunshot sound effects were bad, but not nearly as atrocious as the punching sounds, especially in the snow fight at the beginning. Each hit sounded like a shovel on concrete.


Agreed. This film is very enjoyable. I especially dug the wild bus chase at the end.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


i wonder if that idea was because of the bus scene in lethal weapon a year before?


I agree, I love this movie! One of my favorite 80s action movies for sure’
