MovieChat Forums > The Man from Snowy River II (1988) Discussion > Favorite Scene/Sequence in l and ll

Favorite Scene/Sequence in l and ll

My favorite is when the horses are running through the snow and the water. The music is so beautiful and the photography is top-notch. The stallion is gorgeous and his tameness with Jim as opposed to his wild behavior around other people and horses is incredible.Of course you also have to include the sequence where Jim makes the military riders look like amateurs. I was rooting for him to make them look so.


I fully agree. My favorite part is the entire chase from beginning to end. I could skip the whole movie and just watch that and be satisified. Though my absolute favorite part is when he (Jim) drives his horse over the mountainside.

Something else I loved is that none of those scenes seem to have been faked. I mean, they may have used stunt doubles, but those horses really went over the edge and someone really went over after them. Always stops my breath in my throat watching that.

Funniest thing for me was when I was riding a horse at some point after I saw the movie. I was riding around the ring and I could feel the saddle slipping and I knew I was going to fall. Well, after hitting the ground, my foot was still in the stirrup and my horse started walking (thank goodness not running) off. It's amazing how fast thoughts fly through your head. My mind flashed back to the man in the first movie who was dragged across the ground with his foot stuck in the stirrup. I was TERRIFIED that was going to happen to me at that moment. Thank goodness I didn't scream or anything because I would have felt extremely stupid. Turns out, my foot just slipped out of the stirrup and my horse just kept walking. I realized then the near impossibility of that movie moment really happening, lol.


There are so many favorite scenes in both movies, it's hard to pick one. I agree that the horses running through the snow and the water was beautiful. Also the shots of the mountains from below, when you can see there is a horse/rider at the top, are beautiful.

In both movies the most exciting scenes are when Jim rides the horse down a very steep slope. It's a real highlight in the first movie because it is totally unexpected.

In addition, my favorite scene is the second movie is when Jim befriends the stallion but when he tries to get on the horse, the horse throws him down. Later when Jim is pretending to sleep, the horse slowly comes near him, and drops the reins on him, as if saying- "You can ride me". The scene and the music are ethereal in that scene.


Man From Snowy River: When everyone else has stopped at the edge of the cliff, and Jim doesn't even stop but goes right over it. The first time I saw this in the theater, I was like, "Wow!!"

Return From Snowy River: Love the scene just after the stallion comes back to him, the night turns into day, and then we see Jim on the stallion tearing up the countryside (literally!) as they begin to chase down Patton. Especially when the motion slows down and you see that power in the beautiful horse!
