Question about film

Is this the film where the protagonist comes down the valley following the herd of horses? Everyone stops at the edge, but he follows the horses down. I am trying to find what the name of that movie was, but am not sure if it's the Return of Snowy River. I'm not sure it is. If it isn't, would anyone know what that movie was called?


Try 'The Man From Snowy River', which could well be the movie you're looking for. 'Return to Snowy River' is the sequel to that film, and has Tom Burlinson & Sigrid Thornton returning in their roles as Jim Craig & Jessica Harrison.


There is a similar scene in both "The Man from Snowy River" and "Return to Snowy River."

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an arm!


The scene you are thinking of is in "The Man from Snowy River". They go after the Stallion and his herd to get the colt back. Clancy, the ultimate horseman of Australlia, loses them so they have to chase them. They all stop at the end but Jim Craig and Denny go after them because, like Clancy said, "he and his horse are mountain bred". They are able to but the rest aren't which is why they don't follow.

I hope that answers your question. Any other questions about this movie and it's sequel "Return to Snowy River" are welcome challenges for they are two of my favorite movies, the sequel especially. Pitty Tom Burlinson didn't amount to much more after them. HE was a horseman.

"What is it with you good guys running in packs?!"


Tom amounted to quite a lot actually. He has toured Australia and Canada with his acclaimed Frank Sinatra tribute show and appeared regularly on stage. He has recently finished a long run in the lead role of Leo Bloom in The Producers which played to sold out crowds for 8 months in Melbourne before moving to Brisbane and Perth.


I guess it's my taste then.

"What is it with you good guys running in packs?!"



Thanks so much for that information! I loved Tom Burlinson's acting (and his riding) in these two movies. I only recently read that he was actually born in Canada, but grew up in Australia, and that he sings. I did hear about his Sinatra tribute show.
