MovieChat Forums > The Seventh Sign (1988) Discussion > 100 things we learned from The Seventh S...

100 things we learned from The Seventh Sign

1. When renting out your garage apartment, open your door to any random stranger who knocks when you're alone, show them the apartment when you're alone, and if they want it that's all that matters: take their money and don't worry about a lease application or agreement and credit check.

2. After renting your garage apartment to a total stranger on a whim, make sure you invite him to dinner. When upon knocking he doesn't answer his door, break and enter by going into the apartment uninvited and proceed to rifle through his belongings. After all, you're the landlord. You have that right.

3. When you see your new, mysterious tenant in a rainstorm from 20 yards away and call his name, but he doesn't see you, and the circumstances are far from suspicious, make sure you go out of your way to run after him, following him through a downpour to a random church. All because you want to offer him a ride. You're such a saint!

4. Your previous pregnancy was apparently tragically unsuccessful due to 'placental insufficiency' (Michael Biehn's comment later in the movie). The loss of that pregnancy was so devastating that you apparently attempted suicide. So yes - make sure that upon your next pregnancy, you are really careful. On a whim to offer a ride to a near stranger who has recently become your tenant, run after him for a few blocks. That's not stressful at all, and will likely have no negative effect on your pregnancy.

5. Rifle through your tenants belongings, see random things you know nothing about, news clippings of violent world events, and automatically assume that because one of them has numbers coinciding with your baby's supposed due date that there must be an evil plot afoot to harm your baby. Makes sense.

6. If you want to stop an execution, the best way to do it is make your way to the front of the crowds thronging the gates of the prison, say you're the defense attorney's wife (and you brought your new young friend who's good at translating ancient Hebrew cryptic codes), and you'd like to go in. They'll let you in, because after all - it's only death row.

7. If you're an evil priest who is really the roman soldier who last abused Jesus and your evil plan is about to be realized, but some crazy lady at the last second shows up and starts screaming random nonsense, you shouldn't put any trust in the likelihood that the authorities would haul the crazy lady's butt out of there, and that the execution would in all likelihood proceed. No - far better for you to start shooting up the place. That'll ensure that your carefully crafted evil machinations will come to fruition.

(I was sick today and unfortunately watched this - luckily it was free on demand. But I'm still in mental and emotional anguish over how laughably bad it was. No redeeming qualities whatsoever - a mishmash of quasi-religious mumbo jumbo that made no sense, a cringeworthy script, and mediocre acting.

On the other hand, the '80s apparel - manly yuppie sweaters, oversized, shapeless, knapsack apparel for women - was awesome to behold.)


8. It's cool for the tenant that's living in your garage to quietly sneak into your home without your consent when you're in your pajamas watching tv. If that happens you should have a conversation with him, but don't say anything along the lines of, "how did you get in here," or, "next time you really need to knock, this is not ok."

9. When someone is going to be executed, they usually walk a few feet ahead of the guards to the gas chamber. The guards just kind of saunter after the condemned, he'll get there eventually.

10. Pasta primavera takes about 40 minutes if you order it.

11. You should buy the mobile with birds on it, seeing as how it's Italian and all (even though you've spent so much already).

12. Nobody listens to anybody anymore.


13. Demi Moore cannot act her way out of a paper bag.


14. If you keep calling over and over, the governor will finally come to the phone. But he will not, under any circumstances, hold for you.

15. And ye shall know the son of our Lord by his short wave radio.

When I'm gone I would like something to be named after me. A psychiatric disorder, for example.



16. When there's a hailstorm with stones as big as tennis balls that smash car windscreens on impact, and everyone else has the sense to dive into the nearest shop for shelter, just put your handbag over your head and keep running, you'll be fine . . . oh wait . . . maybe not.


#17. When your husband tells you to NOT enroll your unborn child into a fancy religious daycare, then DONT. The Principal hates empty spaces on your form. #18. When taking a bath stare at a razor blade longingly....consider dying a nude magazine cover of your belly. #19. Always pay cash when you need to rent a motel room with a young boy, to look for a bible. #20. Always plan your pregnancy so you won't be due on leap day. That's just sad.


21. Late 1980s Demi Moore looked cute.

22. Late 1980s Michael Biehn sweaters did not look cute.



I have learned that whoever does these '100 things we learned..' threads has WAY too much time on their hands and is in serious need of a nice hobby or a girlfriend.
