Speaking of religion

"Attention", gullible Pee brained citizens of the world who still believe in Jesus as the son of God and the tooth fairy.. Grow up and decipher the lie that's been force fed to your mentality since childhood. Amazing how religions still perpetuate themselves on the psyche of modern man. People have believed in sea monsters, Sasquatch, ghosts and every imaginable notion of paranoia. Ignorance and blind naivety of the pagan mentality is so alive and well preserved in today's society. You're like those who would not sail forth for fear of falling off the edge of the earth.
This laughable movie says it all, akin to the simple fascination of small children being taught basic nursery rhymes.


See gullible troll.

See gullible troll get Ignored.



so you want to have sex with your sister like lady gaga? or do you still believe in this crap of not screwing your own mother?
