MovieChat Forums > The Seventh Sign (1988) Discussion > name of place of souls waiting to be bo...

name of place of souls waiting to be born???

im not sure if it was this movie or something i read but i remember hearing or seeing a name for the place where souls wait to be born. i thought it was gulag like the russian prisons but my search online has only pulled that up so far. i believe it would be a hebrew name. can anybody help? also on a different note there is a movie in production or maybe post production by now about a military expedition into hell. i believe the title was one word which is also hebrew i think. ring any bells?


In the film, David tells of a story called "The Guf" and of how God's mansion has many halls. One of these halls is The Hall of Souls. He says this is where babies' souls come from, they descend from Heaven and the sparrows are the only ones who can see it, so they sing.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


thank you!


The Guf is totally made up and doesn't exist in the Bible. I can't tell you how many people have come to me asking if it's real or have used it to describe where their babies come from.

Come on people, educate yourselves and don't believe in all of the junk that comes out of Hollywood.


1. It's not junk. It originates in the sacred traditions of Jewish mysticism.

2. It doesn't come out of Hollywood. It originates in the sacred traditions of Jewish mysticism.

3. Just because it's not in the Bible does not make it "junk", superstitious, or wrong.

4. Educate yourself about Judeao-Christian traditions and don't believe in all the junk that comes out of your presumably fundamentalist training.


lol. that was funny.



The Guf isn't in the bible, it's in the Talmud.


you're just mad still because you had to settle for "masterjedi-2" ...

*shakes fist in the air*

"Damn you, masterjedi!!! i'll get your nickname sometime, i swear by the blood of Obi-Wan, i'll get your nick!!"

if you want to talk about hollywood junk, let's talk about the jedi and the force ... in the first three movies the force is a spiritual state, one people can attain to some level by study, etc ... now in the second 'trilogy', it's something in your blood and you either have it or you don't ... Midi-chlorians ... so now the force is no longer a spiritual state but a biological state ... nice ... kind of like being from Krypton ... not that Saint George would ever steal from other stories ...

just chill out with your hollywood junk comments and snapping at people, and again, esp considering your nick ... and get a job and move out of your parents' basement ffs

the blood test says the force is not with you,

"Can you hear me??!!"
-- J. Depp as HST
