Short Circuit 3

Could you guys see a number 3?

With the right plot and characters, it could be great. Maybe they could be the dark high-tech thriller that it was supposed to be in the first movie.




It may not work since movies have shifted gears since the 90s and the 2000s. It might seen kind of corny by today's standards. It pains me to say it, but life-affirming films are just plain cheesy. We all get the point and that is what may drive some people away. However, it would work as an entertaining childrens film, if written by witty people such as those at Pixar like John Lasseter (Toy Story) or Brad Bird (Inredibles). That way they can give it some heart as well as memorable laughs.


Lets get working on the plot for 3. Here's an idea:
The U.S. government is having problems with a certain terrorist cell. They "recruit" (kidnap) Johnny Five, and re-arm him with the laser.

Its stupid, but its a start. The whole army thing will bring us back to the first movie and issues such as war and personal freedoms will come up. It could be good. Right?

"One little murder and I'm Jack the Ripper!"


Didn't the onion have a story a long while back about "Robocop meets Short Circuit'"?


here is what i think the government in its ever so expanding wisdom tries to restart the S.A.I.N.T. program and in true short curcuit fashion the upgraded prototype is struck by lightning and instead of having the machine turn nice have it turn evil and the government requires johnny five because no human can defeat it because it was designed to be a super soldier and it can outrun any human dodge any bullet even if they hit no bullet can penetrate the skin so they take and confront johnny being as he is a citizen of the united states they cannot just take him unless he agrees but they force him to agree by threatening his friends and well the ending eludes me a the moment but thats my idea

rational thought can be alot like denial


"here is what i think the government in its ever so expanding wisdom tries to restart the S.A.I.N.T. program and in true short curcuit fashion the upgraded prototype is struck by lightning and instead of having the machine turn nice have it turn evil and the government requires johnny five because no human can defeat it because it was designed to be a super soldier and it can outrun any human dodge any bullet even if they hit no bullet can penetrate the skin so they take and confront johnny being as he is a citizen of the united states they cannot just take him unless he agrees but they force him to agree by threatening his friends and well the ending eludes me a the moment but thats my idea

rational thought can be alot like denial "

Have you ever heard of a full-stop!!!????


"I'm not going to tell you what your color is, so stop asking"


Well, think about this. Johnny was state of the art in the 80s. He talks about a 500 megabyte memory increase like it's a big deal. Now, 500 meg is nothing. Imagine the upgrades he would have now!!!! He could get a job memorizing books at the Library of Congress, then reciting them back for children, blind people, etc. He then stumbles accross a government project to restart the SAINT project, and a different robot is made that comes to life, this one with a female personality. J5 falls in love.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."

John "A1nut"


Naw. As we see in SC2, johnny five is exposed to the dark side of humanity. I say this makes him turn bitter (not homicidal) but make him into a jerk. That could be a kick-off to a story.


I could see Johnny being more cautious, perhaps a bit paranoid, but not a jerk. He wouldn't have the naive trust of people that he once had. I think a way to do it with your idea but leave J5 more in his character would be refusing the help someone who desperately needed it, because he didn't trust them. Then later on, that person comes back into the story, and saves J5, Johnny starts to learn that not all people are evil, and starts to become more human.

On a totally unrelated note, I never understood how a guy with a fire axe and another guy with a crowbar could smash him up like that. You'd think a military grade robot designed to penetrate foriegn countries would be armored against that kind of an attack, as well as being bulletproof. What good would he be as a weapon if he is so easily destroyed?

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."

John "A1nut"


That would be a better idea. But, heres a thought as well. The purpose of J5s journey's is to make him "alive". What I say would complete his journey ( i.e. in the first one he is born, the second one he learns that not all people mean him well being and experiences lonliness for the first time) is have him lose someone close to him. For instance, have ben or steph or crosby die and have j5 experience grief for the first time. We all know death is a part of life. But, at the same time, he should experience something that reaffirms his original belief that life is wonderful. Only now he realizes that he has to take life's low points as well as its good points, thus making him more *complete* in his aliveness.

I really think if they did a good sequel mind you *good* sequel, it would draw enough of a crowd to make money. I think more than enough people would remember how good the first 2 were.

P.S. bounce some plot ideas around. I say Nova comes after him (and thats how said person dies).


Well, in SC2, Nova had been scrapped. Nova doesn't exist anymore. What would work along those lines would be having Scroter (the NOVA security cheif) going after Johnny with a motive of pure revenge. Perhaps Scroter "obtained" some military hardware from NOVA before it went under, and uses this to attack. I don't like the idea of Ben or Crosby being killed, because they are the only 2 people that could repair Johnny, (well, repair him effectivly anyway) Perhaps Fred could get into trouble with Scroter. I could see Fred turncoating on him if it meant a large enough reward. Fred gets killed, and Johnny has to go from there.

I still think they should introduce a metalic love interest for J5. Maybe Ben and Crosby collaberate and build a new robot for whatever reason, it too comes to life, with a female personality. At first, Johnny would see "her" as a youger version of himself, and teaches "her" about life. They fall in love, and the world's first robot marriage is formed.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."

John "A1nut"


Hmmm. Well I was thinking that Nova would be restarted as theorhetically there would be reasons for doing so ( I.e. war efforts would be better if they had a super intelligent droid. This would also incorporate some of the events that happened between sc2 and the sequel). In the meantime, Stephanie is dying of a disease yet number 5 does not know it. Stephanie dying would have more emotional impact for johnny than fred. After all, Stephanie was the first one to take him in, shelter him, teach him about death, and love him. J5 then falls into a stupor of depression again. I see Fred,(and possible Newton and Ben) as someone that would console him and try and snap him out of the depression. Now, what would happen from here is that Nova is successful in there attempts at making the new robot (would NOT be cgi) and this robot developes life with a female personality. At first she would be just like him, craving input and essentially being a tabula rasa. They would meet somehow, and they would fall in love. This would then allow him to realize how great life can be again.

What do you think?

Keep this up, its interesting.


These are kid's movies, so you can't make them too sad. Stephanie with an inoperable brain tumor. She is given 6 months to live. Johnny goes to medical school to try to help the doctors fix her. With his ability to speed read, he graduates from med school in 2 months. During this time, Ben and Newton rework the original laser weapon to burn out Stephanie's inoperable brain tumor. Johnny uses that and his newfound medical skills to save her. Stephanie doesn't die, but comes very close. Johnny becomes a pioneer in the feild of brain surgury, the laser weapon gets used for a good purpose. He meets and falls in love with the female robot, she becomes a citizen, and they get married. Stephanie is the bride's maid, Newton is the best man, and it turns out that Ben was an ordained minister in India before going to electronics school, he performs the ceremony. Could you imagine Ben doing the ceremony with his accent? During the ceremony, Scroter and his goons try to attack Johnny. He fights back with the reworked laser, which is now non-lethal. Johnny learns that sometimes you have to fight, sometimes you have to fall in love, and sometimes life is good. The military buys these reworked lasers for medical purposes and for non-lethal combat. Have Bill Gates in a cameo role complaing about how Johnny is now the richest man in the world.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."

John "A1nut"


oh come on people get your stories straight okay the concept of a female robot is stupid!!!!!!!!! i mean even if j5 does have a female counterpart whats he gonna do wih her i mean the last time i checked he wasnt built with an antomically correct design. and if he did try explaining to the kids what the hell it that thing hanging down between his treads. now having the laser reworked could work but only if johnny is able to operate it because no human is able to provide the correct touch and precission that johnny has and along the way he is hijacked or something so he has to perform this illegal duty turn them into justice and back in time to save stephanies life.

P.S. johnny would graduate from medical school in 2 days let alone 2 months and could you imagine what he would be like if he could hook himself up to the internet

rational thought can be alot like denial


Hmmm johnny 5 MD does have a nice ring to it. But even though he graduates med school in 2 days, he has to still do at least 2 years (longer if he becomes an oncologist) of residency before getting a liscense. Anyway, I still think someone (perhaps Fred) should die because J5 still has not experienced grief, which I think is required to truly be alive in the human sense. This seems like it would spark jhonny's interest in medicine and coincidentally stephanie becomes sick. Johnny-5 saves her, and along the way gains a new concept and appreciation of what it means to truly be alive.

P.S. Seems like with that laser, he was born to be an opthamologist specializing in lasic! "Now hold very still" (as J's eyes turn red and laser charges up). Also, do you think there is a realistic chance of a short circuit 3? In any case keep bouncing around ideas.


I don't think there is any chance in hell of a SC3, although I would love to see one.

I was thinking exactly what Excaliber was thinking. J5 hooks himself up to the Internet, and just starts exploring it. Could you imagine the memory storage space he would need for that though? I mean he would need a hard drive that was in Googol Terabytes. (Googol is 1 followed by 100 zeros, and a Terabyte is 1x10 to the 12 power.)

I still like the idea of a female robot. I mean hey, if even Chucky can get laid, Johnny could figure something out too.

The thing though that would be really cool is if the upgrades he got were so advanced that he had an actual humaniod body. He even says that "My memory is me" The tracked body that he is in now could be replaced. Just change out the hard drive, and put it into a different kind of body. That's it!!!! Unplug Johnny's hard drive, put it into an internet connected computer with a cable modem, and just let the boy go. Of course, the the Internet would be alive too. Kind of reminds me of Terminator 3.....

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."

John "A1nut"


Hey, if they can revive crocodile dundee, snake plisskin, and rocky they can sure as hell revive J5. I really think if they did make the movie it would attract enough of an audience to make a good profit as many of us remember how awesome the movies were ( SC was the movie I would always ask my mom if I could rent and I know alot of people feel the same way). As far as the new body idea, well, we all know J5 as the insect-like robot and I think its best too keep him that way. Perhaps at the end j5's body is wounded and his memory is intact, and thats how he is transferred into a humanoid body. Hmm J5 and the internet, neat idea I think. Perhaps thats how he could get his nuts and bolts if ya know what I mean.

P.S. There is a petition online that calls for the making of short circuit 3. So far has 142 signitures.

its been in the works since 2004
