MovieChat Forums > Short Circuit 2 (1988) Discussion > Why were Steve Gutenburg and Ally Sheedy...

Why were Steve Gutenburg and Ally Sheedy excluded for this film?

Did they both turn down the project or were the just writen out for some reason? Both of their carears were very much waning at the time so it seems odd that both would turn down such a high profile job.


There was a script which had them included in the story, but they chose not to reprise their roles (why I dont know). Ally sheedy does loan her voice in the second one though. I think it really would have been cool if they had made a cameo at the end of the film though.


I think your a bit off on your time line here. Both of their career's were reaching their high points. That being the case, I would assume that both would have wanted a bit more cash than the producers would be willing to pony up. This was also a budget sequel to boot. It was never a high profile film so as a career move it would not have been the best idea at the time. The film only grossed about half of the orginal box office sales. TriStar had started losing some dough at that point and was doing budget films to make up some lost earings. In the end, the had to sell out to Columbia, but now were off track. I'm sure many other reasons abound as to why they were not a part of it, but I'm sticking with the simple answer based on the situation of the time.


to quote the stone cutters song in the Simpson's

"...who makes Steve Gutenberg...a STAR!!! We Do, We Do..."


"Both of their career's were reaching their high points."

-- Yea, we all know how successful Steve Guttenburg became after the Police Academy & original Short Circuit films became!

He starred in such flicks as.... er.... uhh....
Well, he was a Stone Cutter, as mentioned above, but somehow, I think he was all high & mighty for such roles as 'sequals', but didn't live up to that.


"Yea, we all know how successful Steve Guttenburg became after the Police Academy & original Short Circuit films became!" - captainamerica-5

My point was quite clear. Both of them were reaching the apex of their film carrers. Thats pretty much a fact if you look over their filmography's. I did not imply that there careers were ever of a higher calibur compared to anybody else. There is simply no need to get scarcastic with sombody who has never even spoken to you.
