Renée Estevez

Could her dad not get her in the real Friday The 13th movies?


The first of these film is only really comparable to F13th due to it's setting. I wouldn't think that the original was your typical F13th clone and although this sequel probably owes as much to Friday as it does to the original Sleepaway, I think it is still intended to be almost like a tribute to SC1.

SC1 was just a strange piece of trash, regardless of any perceived or intentional similarities to F13th...


Oh now I KNOW that it wasn't just a coincidence when they named the two brothers who were watching photos of tits, charlie and emilio.

-"I sent them home."
-"you can't do that, charlie and emilio have been coming here for years..."

Obviously an in-joke.

well since you're naked you might as well f___ a friend of mine. Paul come in here!


you know what's strange, is that they wrote the charlie and emilio character way before they cast the film. during auditions, renee was looking through the script and said to the producer, "My family is in this script!"




I've noticed a lot of Renee Estevez bashing on her message board concerning the nepotism in her family. I don't think Martin Sheen has that kind of clout. If he did, she probably would have done a lot better than her filmography shows.

BTW, it's interesting that the only child who has done extraordinarily well following Martin Sheen's career has been the one that used the same professional last name of "Sheen", that being Charlie Sheen.

Just a thought...

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Emilio Estevez has not done nearly as well as his brother Carlos Estevez. He started out as the more successful sibling but then his career just diminished. Just compare their respective filmographies and their net worth. No comparison.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realize Your Dreams!



Fair enough.

Their uncle has done well for himself using the Estevez surname. Joe Estevez has done many, many b-movies. Admittedly the quality of the movies are not great but he is keeping himself active. Perhaps Emilio should follow that example.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realize Your Dreams!



Definately a case of nepotism going on... she couldn't act for love nor money

Duty Now For The Future
