'I hate this place I wanna go home'

Did the whiny little bitch get killed? She was someone I wanted Angela to kill, so rude and annoying.



that lucky bitch got to go home Uncle John was helping her pack. I assume her parent was the driver....the rest weren't so lucky


I can relate to her. I never wanted to go to camp lol.


Annoying, meaningless scene, but ironic because she is the film's only survivor.



Maybe she sensed impending doom and did what it took to get out of there. Maybe she was the smartest camper.


lucky bitch got sent home like she wanted and ended up being the lone survivor

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest movie directors today


Funny that "The Survivor" wasn't about her since it would make sense.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


She was such a spoiled little brat. I bet she was happy about the choice she made once she saw the news headlines, though. Maybe her personality changed afterwards because she thought "That could've been me" and she wouldn't have been a brat anymore. She would've been grateful for life.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


That was one of the best awful deliveries every caught onscreen. She was hysterical. I'd have understood if Angela felt she deserved to get iced, but she was so obnoxious that should count for something.



That scene was for us to see Angela using her as an example to Uncle John of how she sent everybody else home. He had been mad at her for sending Phoebe against protocol. I know this because I have rewinded and rewatched this scence numerous times. My friends and I are always rolling on the floor. "I...want...to...go...home" love it!


Actually in the chronology of the movie, Uncle John does not get angry with Angela sending kids home without his permission until she mentions the Shoate sisters. Uncle John said nothing to her about sending Phoebe home, and in fact says "You what you had to do." It isn't until the brat leaves and he says "Two down" and she says "Four down. I had to send the Shoate sisters home" that he gets angry and says "You sent them home?" Then he asks her to consult with him first from now on and she's like "Oh like I just did?" because she's trying to defuse the situation by then. The little girl probably couldn't be done away with with so many witnesses and made a stink up until Angela called her parents so that's most likely why she survived. She had too much attention focused on her.


Terrible, terrible actress. That delivery was so alarming.
