MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1990) Discussion > Angela sure became outgoing over the yea...

Angela sure became outgoing over the years.

She was really annoying in this movie and part 3. Ugh...

I like sweet quiet creepy staring angela...


Yeah Felissa Rose and Pamela Springsteen played very different Angelas. Felissa's version was more like Michael Myers, creepy and emotionless, whereas Pamela's version was more like Freddy Krueger with her wisecracks and cruel sense of humor.



Yes, casting Pamela Springsteen as Angela was a horrible mistake. Horrible killer, horrible character, horrible acting. This and the sequel were true insults to a great movie. The series somewhat redeemed itself with Return to Sleepaway Camp (although most of the acting could still have been a lot better), but 2 and 3 were just plain stupid. They made out Angela to be a happy chipper person that just happened to off people that bugged her like it was no big deal, not to mention they made her totally obsessed with camp, and even her killing methods were stupid and childish. I can see how you can compare her to Freddy, but with Freddy was a true sadist that liked to play sick games with his victims while Springsteen's version of Angela was seemed to just kill people off like it was a minor chore to be done. The original Angela and the one from Return were much darker, ruthless, eerie, and psychologically disturbed. The 2nd and 3rd totally reinvented/destroyed her image as a psychopath. I mean, yes, Springsteen's version had no conscience and didn't seem to find anything wrong with killing people other than the fact that it meant she would get in trouble if she got caught, but seriously, it felt like she didn't even try, and I can't believe the director found her performance acceptable. Actually, I can believe that with the way the 2nd and 3rd movies were filmed in general. It actually felt like they didn't even try with 2 and 3. Like they realized that the first one was a success and they just wanted to make money off fans by creating 2 crappy sequels without even attempting to make it good. They could have, at the very least, made the 2nd one better by having Angela use a different name and keeping us in the dark about which counselor was actually her until the end. The 3rd one, I see no possible way to have made it any better. Return though, went back to its roots, and what they did was pure genius. Not only were we mislead about who the killer was like in the 1st one, it gave us another shocking twist by revealing that Angela had actually returned and was disguised as someone else. I haven't seen the newest one yet, (which I'm assuming is a prequel to Return since it's called Sleepaway Camp 4 and was simply made out of sequence), but I hope it stays true to the 1st and Return and stays away from the trash that the 2nd and 3rd one were. Although, from the 1.8 rating it currently has, I'm not expecting much.


I agree with just about everything you said but I absolutely hated Return to Sleepaway Camp and found it to be a disgusting and terrible movie. I already figured out that the cop was Angela in disguise early on and would rather have just seen Rose looking like her normal self through the whole movie. Sleepaway Camp IV actually started production way before Return came out but was abandoned only to be somewhat finished with stock footage a few years ago. The finished product is pretty unwatchable.



I found Return really disappointing and as a way to do a sequel to the original (UC and TT aren't considered canon by some); it was really pitiful. As you said about Angela, if you know what certain people look like--the big "twist" at the end isn't remotely shocking.

I'm saddened by how Sleepaway Camp IV not being complete (Double Helix going belly up), but it felt like a waste of time for them to even revive it since the finished product was just a giant clip show. (sigh)

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


One could argue that the original murder spree chronicled in "Sleepaway Camp" changed her.
1- She cracked in that movie.
2- Went on a killing spree.
3- Then ended up (we're told) in an asylum where she received treatment, including electroshock.

Perhaps that all meshed to create a cure for her shyness.
