Angela vs Angela?

Just curious if a movie pitting Angela from "Sleepaway Camp" against Angela from "Night Of The Demons" would be worth making?
One would be a moralistic do-gooder while the other would be a seductive she-devil. Definitely opposite ends of the serial killer spectrum with each possessing their own unique murder schemes.
I'm not a huge fan of "vs" movies, but this idea sounds like it would be a blast.

"Shut up and drive b*tch!"
- Stooge


Night of the Demon's Angela would cruch Sleepaway Camp's Angela hands down. But if Sleepaway Camp's Angela becomes a demon, then Night of the Demon's Angela is in big trouble.

no risk, no reward.


Definiately Night of the Demons Angela


I was hoping someone would bring this up! :)

I love both of them! I think Angela (NOTD) is scarier and Angela (SC) is more psychotic and psychopathic. Mostly because Angela from Night of the Demons was a victim to the demons like the others and had the creepy shapeshifting abilities. The Sleepaway Camp Angela is more sympathetic; especially with losing "her" sister and dealing with Aunt Martha's crap. And of course; killing campers and showing no remorse what so ever.

If it came to a battle; Sleepaway Camp Angela would be crushed in under 10 seconds.

Italy's shaped like a boot for a they can stick it up your ass. - Don Vito


NOTD Angela is an evil supernatural demon with satanic powers that takes pleasure in causing harm to others, possessing/infecting people, and enjoys sin, lust, and corruption. SAC Angela is a normal human with morality issues. I love SAC Angela in the first one and in Return, but no matter which version of SAC Angela faces against NOTD Angela, there would be no contest unless SAC Angela has a whole ammunition of holy artifacts. Actually, with as corrupt as SAC Angela is, NOTD Angela could turn her into a demon and control her in a heartbeat.
