Very Under-Appreciated:

In terms of B Movie slashers, anyway. This goes for SC III as well.

I last saw these many, many years ago. Got a kick out of the campiness, but nothing special. Looking back today, with all of the B movie slashers that try to take themselves more seriously than they should, it makes me appreciate how the SC sequals were what they were, and didn't try to fool themselves or the audience into thinking they were something more.

Nobody was ever going to confuse Pam Springsteen, who's now a very successful cinematographer, with a great actress, but that's part of what made her so effective. I always remember her corny and non chalantly delivered one liners, which are to this day unparalleled. The closest thing to Angela in recent memory was Sheri Moon-Zombie in House of 1,000 Corpses and Devils's Rejects, but she didn't quite embrace the campiness of the material as SC II & III did.


I like this movie alot, and I think alot of horror fans are fans of it. You don't hear too many people trashing it really. Not a huge fan of the third film though.


This one was decent, but I like the third film better.
