do you think molly died?

it seemed like angela actually liked molly. she was the one nice girl who didn't tick her off. she had the oppurtunity to kill her when she had her and sean tied up in the cabin. instead she only killed sean. she tied her up, but it was only so she wouldn't call the police. plus at the end, when she says howdy partner, there was no weapon in her hand.


I think Angela did like Molly, perhaps even had a crush on her which Angela felt was wrong and immoral, I don't know if Angela would have killed her, I can't see her killing off the only "good" kid from the camp. I can however see Angela keeping her locked up someplace against her will so that her "friend" can't run away from her anymore.
~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~


I wondered what happened to Molly. But I guess what you said can be true,with angela locking Molly up somewhere against her will.

Italy's shaped like a boot for a they can stick it up your ass. - Don Vito


No, i dont think she killed Molly. I'd like to think that Molly ran off after noticing it was her in the car, and Angela just left xD


At the beginning of the third movie- when the reporter is talking about the massacre that took place there, the number of victims they give indicate that Molly was killed. To be honest, I haven't gone through at actually counted personally but that's what all the horror trivia says lol.


Yeah, in Part 3, I think they said nineteen people were killed the previous year, so if someone wants to go through and count the on-screen kills in Part 2 we will know for sure. :)


I counted 18 deaths, including that of the truck driver. So Molly was most likely killed, but I find that strange. Angela seemed genuinely upset when she thought Molly was dead and could've easily killed her in the abandoned cabin.


i think angela liked molly to much to kill her

"i kill people i like it" damon salvatore


Yes, sorry, Molly was killed. In part 3, Angela tells the lead girl "you remind me of a nice girl named Molly. Too bad she's dead".



She never said "too bad she's dead". she said "You remind me of this girl I used to know, her name was Molly, she was really nice"


Yeah, sorry. Still, Angela says Molly's dead in the script.


Actually, I am watching 3 now, and she never says Molly is dead, only that Marcia reminds her of Molly and that Molly was nice. Hmmm.




No, she lived. At least based on Michael A. Simpson's draft of Sleepaway Camp: Berserk written in 2007. It features Molly and Marcia briefly at Angela's execution in prison. Here is a link to the first 9 pages of the script's draft.

"A reality is just what we tell each other it is..."



too bad it was never made into an actual movie. this would have been better then "return to sleepaway camp"


