Angela Should Have Died In The End

I don't like this film nearly as much as the previous sequel, but I think it would have all ended well here. Right after Angela kills the cop and the paramedic in the back, they should have quickly shown some sort of sign of loss of life (say in her facial expressions or whatever) that signified that she had just died. The idea would be that she eventually died from Marcie's wounds, but only after she lived just long enough to kill the cop and the paramedic before they finished her off themselves, and in that way, she got to "die on her own terms." Doing so in the back of the ambulance right after that last line ("Just taking care of business") would have been a good way for her to go, I think.


I want to disagree with you because I'm a fan of Angela's work in part 2 and 3, and want her to continue on. But i just finished "Return to Sleepaway Camp", and i agree with you. She should have died, rather than come back for a terrible sequel film.

"Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'."


Return To Sleepaway Camp may have been a bad movie.When I saw Teenage Wasteland for the first time I actually thought she was going to get killed off.Even if she had died in Teenage Wasteland I'm not sure that would have been a guarantee for Return never to be made as it ignored the events of the sequels.


Ah, so there's a fourth one? This I was unaware of. If you watch the deleted scenes on the Anchor Bay DVD, after she's killed the people in the ambulance she recites that "rap" to herself, before dying, if that's any help.


They were going to continue with the Angela character but they were going
to put her in a different element and not at camp. There was talk of Angela
Baker assuming yet another person's identity and going to work as a sub at
a school as the supervisor over the kids in detention which I thought would've
been a riot!

Too bad they scrapped that idea.


I agree, that sort of thing would be awesome. We need a slasher series with a female lead. I wouldn't rule out going back to Camping again later in the series. I'd also like to see the character of Angela as developing more, for example she could try to get involved romantically and have some twisted logic about it.


this female was way too skinny tho... cmon now.. half the kills i was just laughing out loud... such bony arms wielding these instruments of death at such force? an no one does anything to stop her? one hard push and u break her legs or arms! like match sticks!


It might be me,but to me, Return to Sleepaway Camp doesn't cut it for me. So I try to act like it doesn't exist. So in that sense, I think Angela's dead. If Berserk comes out,unless it was an unfinished sequel,then idk.

Italy's shaped like a boot for a they can stick it up your ass. - Don Vito


I dont think she should've died. The ending was perfect to me :)
I dont count Return to Sleepaway Camp as a sequel anyway. I dont even count it as an actual movie :P


She probably did die on the way to the hospital. Just wanted to take two last victims with her.



I have no doubt a fourth film was planned, and I don't mean SLEEPAWAY CAMP IV: THE SURVIVOR, and RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP is not canon with 2 and 3. The film-makers left her alive for that purpose, but I will admit I'd much rather have seen her die in the end, giving this particular Angela some closure.


I'd rather let her live. I'd let Angela still be a human killer in future entries rather than an undead killer, as was done with Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th (6th entry onwards), Ben Willis in I know What You Did Last Summer (3rd entry), and some others.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


No, she needed to survive so the creators could correct the horrendous mistake they made with her character in the 2nd and 3rd film by going back to their roots from the first film the way they did in Return to Sleepaway Camp. And thank goodness they did. Between the 1st and 2nd film, Angela went from a superb movie villain to a stupid joke, but they fixed that with Return.



I wish she would have died to end this terrible franchise. The 1st movie was terrific. I mean that ending is at the top of several lists of "shocking endings" in movies. Part 2 was dreadful so I refuse to watch this one.

Same thing happened with Wrong Turn. The 1st was good but every sequel just got worse. Two other famous examples? A Nightmare on Elm Street and of course Friday the 13th.

Sequelitis is a disease that popped up in the early 80's and has been around since.

Long live the 70s!
