MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (1989) Discussion > Camp 3 looks like it was filmed years be...

Camp 3 looks like it was filmed years before Camp 2

Is it me but does Angela Baker actually look years younger than she did in Camp 2?

I know she's trying to look 17, but 27-year-old Pamela looks younger and more attractive than when she did in her the film she made a year previously.


I think Pam looked better in part II. In Part III, she had that stupid wig on the whole time.

She just looked more natural in part II. I don't think she looked as good in part III. I don't think she looked any younger either.

I do know that they filmed part III almost imediately after part II was completed.


Was it a wig? Err, never thought of that. You're right about Pam looking hot...LOL. Funny but she's kind of sexy in her own way. Nice smile, especially in part 2.

Yes, I think 2 and 3 were filmed very close to each other. Even though it says "1989" in the official date for the film's release, at the end of the film it says 1988 in the credits.


I also think Angela is better looking in 3.


How can you be so sure Pamela was wearing a wig in Part 3?How can you be sure she didn't get a dye job in between?Pam looks different probably because she was made up to resemble the actress who plays Maria in this film.


It didn't look like a wig to me. To me it looked like her real hair. I agree with a couple of you about Angela looking better in Sleepaway Camp 3. I think it was the blonde hair that made her look younger. Younger is better than older.


I personally think the reason she looks more attractive in the 3rd film is because she'c actually a more likeable Angela than in part 2, in part 2 she is very strict, very reserved and seems to be holier than thou, whereas in the 3rd she seems to be having more fun and seems to fit in quite well with her fellow campers and appears to be just like them and not the figure of authority as she was in the 2nd......thus making her more attractive....


I think she's alot prettier in this one than the previous film. The blonde highlights (even if it's a wig) actually suit her more that her natural dark hue.
