who else loves the girl in the beginning? the milkshake tat on the breasts?


LOL, the first thing I thought of when I saw that was that milkshake song that came out a year or two ago.



im watching it now its toward the end and when i saw the milkshake thing i thought of the song to lmao


If you are referring to Maria(Kashina Kessler)I think she was kind of a good actress though she's pretty hard to rate for lack of screen time.She is kind of
beautiful though.


She has no breasts, thus the milk cannot shake. I think it's funny.


i know she is sooo *beep* flat.


That milkshake thing cracks me up everytime I watch it.


She was flat with a big flabby ass. For a moment I thought she was a he. Maybe a throwback to Sleepaway Camp 1?



According to her database Kashina Kessler has done some crew work over the years.This is however the only time she ever appeared on screen.


WTF are you smokin? She had a hot, tight little ass! What was flabby about it? I guess you're not a big booty fan.....sorry dude, I don't find ugly, skinny anorexic chicks hot at all.


That guy's on drugs. There was nothing flabby about her butt. Her hiney & thighs were exquisitely shaped. So she was a little flat-chested, what else is new?


Holy omg!!! I have that same tattoo on my tits!!! Thats amazing! :D i feel so specail.

"Hey, you want to see something really scary?"


I knew her actually years ago in college, but not well enough to ask about the tattoo. She actually did some pretty serious things in film afterwards, mostly editing work. She said that all she got out of THIS role was a SAG card.
