MovieChat Forums > Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (1989) Discussion > Gang member Tony can't beat skinny littl...

Gang member Tony can't beat skinny little Angela???

Isn't it a little hard to believe that Tony, who was supposed to be this hard-ass East L.A. gang member, didn't just beat the crap out of Angela in the end when she was tying him up with the other two kids? I mean come on, so she had a knife? Wouldn't he have been used to that and just done something to prevent her from tying them up? She was this skinny little 5" 2 thing and he must have been 6 ft tall and he winces and shudders in fear??? Lame.


I bet she could beat your ass too, crybaby.


think about it! she had a knife.a knife can kill. remember when he fought riff and riff pulled a knife on him he back off a little. and I did not think that tony was so bad ass as you say.I mean if he is so bad ass why does he want to leave his gang?


Ever think that Tony just might be a poser?


Angela tied them up before she threatened them. She didn't reveal herself as a killer until after they were all bound together.

I mean he could have head-butted her... but that would have been risky while still tied to the other two!

~Spirit desire, spirit desire, we will fall.~



The only proper answer to this question is what makes this movie so funny. This movie is pure stupidity. Hilarious though... "Gotta have a ciggie"

you stay classy san diego


How do we know she didn't tell them it was part of the "sharing and caring" games that the sheriff told her to lead til he got back. They certainly didn't seem scared until he dropped in on them, dead. And they certainly didn't take her seriously until she cut one of thier faces.

I don't think they knew exactly what was going on while being tied up.


Tony was probably more of a lover than a fighter. I think the only reason
he got into with Riff was because he was more or less asking for it but
he didn't start up a fight with anyone else. He also said he was sorry to
the cop for giving him a hard time so I'm thinking the guy was kind of a softy
that ended up in a gang to keep from getting jumped. Really don't know.


Personally, I think Tony was simply a kid who fell in with the wrong crowd. That explains why he's a softy rather than a hardened thug like Riff. Speaking of Riff, if he was in Tony's place and is tied up with the other two before Angela reveals herself to be a killer, how do you'd think he'd act when the reveal happens? Personally, I think he'd cuss Angela out and wind up getting killed as a result, forcing the other two to carry his corpse as they try to find Marcia.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
