What is everyone talking about?

The SC is perhaps the worst horror movie trilogy EVER. The death scenes are so false and stupid that i wanted the hour and fifteen minutes back. Who allows themselves to get beat to death with a flimsy stick- nevertheless TWO people. The garbage truck death was impossible. The flagpole death was stupid! Thelawn moWer idea was original AND stupid. Angela is the worst killer ever. SHe talks to much and kills without any development. I still know what you did last summer was a better follow up and i hated that *beep* with a passion. SC4: Return to Sleepawat Camp best to be good or I am going to sue the company.


Part of the fun of these movies is that they're cheesy and silly. Were you expecting it to be serious and have a good storyline or something? It's an 80's slasher film.

"Meet me at the waterfront after the social."


Wow, I think somebody really missed the point.


I thinksome of the deaths were original, but I get REALLY, REALLY pissed off that Angela kills people for no reason. I mean, she kills Maria to take her place; she kills Tawny by being a droug-taker; Herman and Jan by having sex; Peter because he was an a**hole and he deserve to die. But... why the hell she kills Snowboy? He didn't do anything to her. The next day, she kills Arab to take her place, Cindy by being a droug-taker, Lilly by being lazy, Bobby because he wanna sex from her, Riff because HE DESERVE TO DIE! But why the hell she kills Greg and Anita?? Those kids are the only two kind people in the entire camp, apart from Marcia, Tony and Barney. Why? Why??



Arab called Angela an *beep* and Anita said "this is *beep* and then when Angela said it'll be fun Greg said "says your momma". Maybe that's why she didn't warn them about the axes hanging from the ceiling.


Back to the point...
Cheesy is good Slumber Party Massacre was cheesy
Silly is good the Scream Trilogy was good
This movie is unforgivable.
Real crackheads taste crack... dont say she wasn't a crackhead either she was dffenitely supposed to be.
And that still doesnt change the fact that Angela kills without a reason
Give me ten reasons why I should like this movie and maybe I will change my frame of mind... maybe

If you want a good horror movie go watch saw 2



Because I like to to get other peoples opinions because I learn to appriaciate it Thus it changes mine. I like cheesy horror "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME"......................................................................... RETRACTION Saw 2 wasn't too good



I think SC3 was the best one of the trilogy. Theres a couple of pretty good kills and I don't know how you can't laugh whenever you see Herman. Especially when he's having sex with that hot chick. Angela was a great killer, too. This should be the face of great late-80s slasher flicks.




Sleepaway Camp two and three rules..part one was ok..but i like two and three better.

The angel of death is watching you............behave..

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


I saw this movie last night,and I must say I rather enjoyed it for what it was,a rather clunky at times parody of the Friday The 13th movies.It is most definitely not a cinematic masterpiece,but it made up for by shamelessly using the T & A factor.Also,even though the dialog and acting are weak,Angela delievrs some funny lines,and there are some decent kills.


she had a reason for killing everyone except when she killled anita and that jap boy





1, Angela kills a reporter for asking for crack.
2, She's insane.
3, Two out of three of the owners were really extortionists and deserved to die.
4, We get to meet the cop who arrested Angela instead of just hearing about it.
5, Someone actually mortally injured Angela enough for her to need medical attention.
6, She killed lazy, spoid rich kids.
7, She sounds so happy while killing people.
8, A politician hopeful died because he was trying to be a Bill Clintion (no hate towards Bill Clintion).
9, She killed a cop and paramedic while on her way to the hospital and just casually said 'just talking care of business'.
10, This movie was one of the best things that could be done in the 80's, it's not perfect but it's not utter *beep* either.

If this doesn't help then all well, the world won't end if you don't like the movie.



For somebody who hates these movies there wouldn't be any reasons big enough tp really change your mind, and for those of us who like them and appreciate them for what they are as fun cheesy camp there doesn't need to be a reason, we just like it and there isn't really much anybody could say to change either opinion. Some people like cheese, some are lactose intolerant, lol. I think it would get pretty boring if everyone liked the same stuff all the time.
~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~


umm, o.k?

Jap isnt racist, its short for japanese



no. you have no idea what you are talking about. ITS JUST SHORT FOR JAPANESE. if i was racist, id say thosee damn rice eating japs or something. jap isnt a racist word





they were fun slashers and from the 80s enjoy these as comedy horror. who dident love Angela

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today
